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Tag: Labor

How You Get Pregnant With Twins or Multiples

People are very fascinated with twins and other multiples. It seems mysterious how one pregnancy can result in more than one baby. Multiple pregnancies are...

Stages of Labor

Stage 1 Latent Phase Beginning with stage 1 of the stages of labor, stage 1 has 3 distinct phases. Don’t confuse stages with phases. During...

Fetal Positions for Labor and Birth

The position that your baby is in during the last weeks of pregnancy and the early part of labor will give you a lot...

11 Premature Birth Risk Factors

Thinking about the risks of having a premature baby usually isn't a mom-to-be's immediate reaction to a pregnancy test turned positive. When you find...

Guests in Labor and Delivery Room?

The labor and delivery room during childbirth used to be restricted to the expectant mother and medical professionals. Much has changed over the past...

How To Do Acupressure When You’re In Labor

As far back as 5,000 years ago, acupressure has been used to help relieve pain in laboring women. In more recent times, Western culture...

Labor: What To Do When It’s Time To Push

The first time you have a child, you probably don't know what to expect. After all, no one really knows how labor will feel...

5 Reasons You Can’t Have Sex in Pregnancy

What is pelvic rest? Pelvic rest is a term used in obstetrics to indicate that a pregnant woman has been told to avoid sexual activity...

Labor and Birth with Twins

Even if you've had a baby before, giving birth to twins is a different experience. While no birth is typical, there are a few...

Exposing The Truth Behind Epidurals

The mothers of the world are divided into two sections: the ones who take epidural during child birth and the ones who don’t. What...

Understanding The Model Of Care: Doctor And The Midwife

The model of care followed by midwives involves personal care and reflects the idea that the events of pregnancy and labor should be allowed to unfold naturally before moving to medical interventions, while the OB/GYN approach is from the medical model which focuses on the pathologic potential of pregnancy and birth and may move to medical interventions more quickly.

9 Positions for Labor

The positions that you choose for labor and birth are important. They will help you be more comfortable during the labor process. Some positions...
how to read a fetal monitor in labor

How To Read A Fetal Monitor In Labor

Fetal monitoring, in one form or another, has been around for a very long time. Prior to the 1970s, fetal monitoring was typically done...

Top 16 Widely Believed Pregnancy Myths

Just say the word ‘pregnant’ and you will have women of all ages swooping down on you with words of advice. Every statement they...

Labor and Delivery Interventions

We all hope that childbirth will go smoothly. Most women are dreaming of a nice, quick labor and birth. However, some women will have...