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Breathe, Relax For Everything Would Be A-Okay During Childbirth

No one can say that giving birth is easy. How much ever have you prepared yourself for all kinds of possibilities, there is bound...
different positions that help labor pain

Using Different Positions Helps Labor Pain

This series of photos is from a single labor. The photos are wonderful, raw, and personal. I love watching this family and their doula...

The Must-Have Talk Expectant Parents Ought To Have

Expectant couples must take time to discuss the emotional side of labor. Try and understand behavioral patterns during stress and establish some ground rules. Women must discuss what calms them, what fears and concerns they possess during labor. Discuss issues such as who you want in the delivery room and what kind of matters help with bad situations.

The Mucus Plug and Its Role in Labor – A Picture Guide to Childbirth

There are only few things in the world that causes as much contemplation as labor. The mucus plug, which fills the cervix, plays an...

Breastfeeding Techniques That Work

Look at some time tested breastfeeding positions that may help nursing go smoothly. 1. Cradle Hold: It is a natural and most comfortable position for older...

Twins Fetal Development | Pregnancy Images

The mothers-to-be undergo a wide array of physical changes along with emotional and mental changes. It’s always a good idea to be well informed...

Is It Safe To Consume Cinnamon During Pregnancy?

Contrary to myth, cinnamon reduces the intensity of uterine contractions and does not induce premature labor. If consumed in moderation, it eases morning sickness, stabilizes gestational diabetes, and inhibits postpartum bleeding. The amount of cinnamon added to add flavor to daily food is not enough to cause harm. Ensure that you are allergic to cinnamon and avoid high levels in your food and supplements.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to The Stages of Labor

From the first contractions through transition and birth, we get the lowdown on labor stages from Lamaze. Prodomal Labor What's Happening: Prodomal Labor The cervix begins to...

4 Best Tips For Birth Partners To Support A Woman In Labor

Expecting fathers are often helpless when deafened by labor screams of their wives. Educate yourself about the physical and emotional progression of women in labor. List comfort techniques you can use. Know when you need to push others away to give the mother her space. Give her all the love to get her Oxytocin (hormone responsible for contractions) levels up.