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Tag: Iron Deficiency

What Are The Health Risks Associated With Being Underweight?

High metabolism, physical exertion, diseases, mental instability and genetics can be causes for your bony structure. Liver issues can also leave your body ineffective in absorbing nutrients from food. Weak bones that easily suffer fractures, infections due to weak immunity, malnutrition, stunted growth in children, anemia and infertility can be health issues from being underweight.
Is Balding An Indicator Of More Serious Problems?

Is Balding An Indicator Of More Serious Problems?

Hair loss may indicate lack of nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc, folate and protein. Anemia can lower hemoglobin levels that impact hair growth, color and texture. Metabolic disorders (diabetes, liver dysfunction), hormonal imbalances (endocrine disorders, thyroid), stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices lead to premature thinning of hair, graying and hairfall.

Why Do You Need Iron? 8 Benefits For A Cast-Iron Health

Iron helps produce red blood cells, which help transport oxygen to different parts of the body, and is involved in energy metabolism. Iron also plays a key role in immunity, nerve, and brain function. Have meat, seafood, spinach, and beans to maintain optimum iron levels but don't have more than 18 mg iron a day.
Benefits of Mango

10 Amazing Ayurveda Health Benefits of Mango

Is Mango Good For You? Enjoying mango moods, are you? The scrumptious mango slices, mango juice, mango drinks and squashes, mango pickles, mango chutneys, mango...