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7 Lesser-Known Facts About HIV/AIDS

The HIV affects the immune system of humans, thus putting the affected individuals at an increased risk of developed other illnesses like tuberculosis and hepatitis. Not everybody with HIV knows they have it, especially in less developed countries. Although there is no effective cure for HIV, there are treatments that can help manage the condition and prevent the spread of the disease.
Optimizing your immune system makes it easy to fight HIV and AIDS

Optimize The Immune System To Prevent HIV And AIDS

When your natural immune system is working well, you can adapt to successful viral mutations within days. This applies to HIV and AIDS as...
AIDS can be managed by getting sufficient nutrient intake

AIDS Is A Collection Of Nutrient Deficiencies

HIV/AIDS is one of the most misunderstood diseases in the industrialized world. The conventional view is that it is a dangerous disease that has killed...

7 Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Women

Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, HPV, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS are the most common STDs n women. It is estimated that 1 in 20 sexually active women have chlamydia. Similiar to gonorrhea, it has no symptoms. In some cases where women experience symptoms, it could be felt like a urinary tract infection. It is estimated that 90% of women with genital herpes aren’t aware of it.

5 Effective Ways To Prevent HIV/AIDS

Practice safe sex, limit sexual partners, and get tested for HIV before starting a new sexual relationship. Use a condom every time and opt for water- or silicone based-lubricants. Never share needles and avoid risky behaviors like alcohol or drug abuse. You can also take preventive medication if you are at high risk. Get treatment and avoid breastfeeding during pregnancy to prevent transmission from an infected mother to her baby.

Causes And Symptoms Of High Protein In Blood

High protein in blood, or hyperproteinemia, can lead to various health conditions. Diets that are high in fat and sugar causes inflammation, which increases...
Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection In Women and Men

Common Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) In Women And Men

Urinary tract infections are caused when microbes, especially bacteria, infect different parts of the urinary system by entering it through the urethra. Women are more prone to UTIs than men across all ages. This is because their urethra is short and close to their anus and vagina. Men usually develop UTIs when their prostate gets enlarged as it prevents the bladder from emptying fully. Pregnancy, old age, diabetes, and being sexually active increases your risk of UTIs.
HIV Myths And Fact

10 Common HIV Myths And Facts

HIV is commonly transmitted through vaginal and anal sex. It’s unlikely to get it through oral sex, but it can happen if an open mouth sore touches infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. If you get infected, symptoms might take about 10 years to develop. Testing is the only way to know. Early treatment with antiretroviral therapy will stop HIV from becoming AIDS, letting you live a healthy life, be in a serious relationship, and have babies.
symptoms of HIV in women

HIV In Women: Symptoms, Risk Factors, And Prevention

Women are most likely to get HIV during vaginal sex with an infected man. They experience certain side effects of AIDS medications like liver problems more frequently. Their risk of STIs is higher and they face a quicker progression to AIDS if they get HIV. Using condoms, not sharing needles, taking anti-AIDS medication, and avoiding douching can help you protect yourself. Also, prompt treatment can lower the risk of transmitting it to your baby.

Low Platelet Count During Pregnancy

Platelets are plate-shaped cells present in the blood, responsible for blood clotting. The normal level of platelets is between 150 million and 400 million...
signs and symptoms of HIV

Signs And Symptoms Of HIV Infection

Within 2–6 weeks of infection, the patient experiences flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, diarrhea, and swollen lymph nodes, but 20% of the infected show no symptoms. Then, symptoms disappear for about 10 years as the virus breeds slowly. Thereafter, the patient increasingly suffers from persistent bouts of common infections like oral thrush as the virus overpowers the immune system. If not treated, the infection will develop into AIDS in 2 years. In the last stage of the infection, i.e. AIDS, symptoms include skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes, and loss of weight and energy.

10 Medical Tests Every Woman Undergo

It’s no secret that everyone can benefit from regular screenings. But if you’re a woman, you will need certain tests that men don’t. Simply...
HIV Rash

What Is An HIV Rash? Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

An HIV rash can occur at any stage of infection, but mostly 2–3 weeks after the infection. It is red, bumpy, and non-itchy and is accompanied by flu-like symptoms. Itchy and sore rashes may develop in the third stage as other fungal, bacterial, and viral infections like eczema, impetigo, and herpes take advantage of the weakened immunity. Some rashes like in Steven-Johnsons syndrome are a drug reaction.

HIV Prevention: What Sexually Active Singles Need To Know

HIV infections, if left untreated, can quickly progress into their advanced and fatal form - AIDS. Here's what you need to know to lower your risk for HIV.

Can STDs In Your 20s Affect Your Fertility Later On?

If left untreated during your teenage years, STDs can linger undetected and can affect fertility years later. Chlamydia is mostly symptomless and can increase risk of infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and ectopic pregnancy in women. Gonorrhea can trigger sterility in men and PID in women. STDs like syphilis and herpes simplex virus type 2 heighten your risk of contracting HIV.