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Tag: High Cholesterol

5 Health Benefits of Avocados

5 Health Benefits of Avocados

1. Improve Your Vision Avocados contain high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration and can actually improve...
Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Alternative medicine has taught for years, that cholesterol is the fireman at the fire – but cholesterol DOES NOT cause the fire.   Alternative medicine...
Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Herbs to Lower Cholesterol: Six Best Supplements

Alfalfa-blocks absorption of bad cholesterol, prevents plaque build-up. Garlic-lowers bad cholesterol, elevates good cholesterol. Hawthorn leaf-reduces inflammation. Evening Primrose Oil- helps produce PFE1 that fights inflammation and high cholesterol. Green tea- lowers bad cholesterol. Glucomannan-lowers triglyceride levels, aids weight loss.
Does Garlic Work for Lowering Cholesterol?

Does Garlic Work for Lowering Cholesterol?

For many years, it’s been thought that supplementing with garlic was a safe and natural way to lower elevated cholesterol levels. It was believed...

How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally In 11 Easy Ways

Your body needs cholesterol, but too much of it can cause heart disease. Lower cholesterol by processed, packaged, artificially sweetened, or long shelf-life foods. These have the HDL-lowering trans fats. Eat small amounts of meat and whole-milk dairy products spread across the week. Have at least 2 omega-3-rich fish meals a week and fill up on soluble fiber like oatmeal. Reduce stress, quit smoking, and exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes daily.