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13 Health Benefits And Medicinal Uses Of Black Caraway

Caraway has been used the world over for centuries because of its curative properties. It is extensively used in many traditional medicines to heal and treat various diseases and disorders. Caraway is an important ingredient in many different culinary preparations and is well-known for its fragrant odor and distinct flavor. It has the power to inhibit cancer cell growth, reduce cholesterol, treat skin conditions, and improve overall health.
natural remedies to treat acid reflux and heartburn

Natural Remedies To Treat Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Acid reflux or GERD can literally keep you up at night, so finding natural remedies is a good idea. While certain foods like bananas, pineapple, and ginger are good for you, others like spicy or fatty food are better avoided. A few lifestyle tweaks like switching to multiple mini meals, quitting smoking, and avoiding caffeine especially near bedtime can also help. And don’t pass up the opportunity to try yoga asanas designed to strengthen the esophagus and improve digestion for natural acid reflux relief.
home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux

14 Natural Home Remedies For Heartburn, Acid Reflux, And GERD

Home remedies using natural products are the best way to keep away from medicines as much as possible. For acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, and the resulting symptoms, home remedies include probiotics, aloe vera juice, antioxidants, apple cider vinegar, mastic, vitamin supplements, and more. Along with these, ensure that you follow a healthy lifestyle with healthy foods.

10 Lesser Known Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey. Getting to know about it is an immemorable moment. After you have missed a period, you will have to...
Ajinomoto During Pregnancy

Side Effects Of Consuming Ajinomoto During Pregnancy

What you eat impacts your baby directly during pregnancy. A doctor, therefore, suggests eating a simple, organic, and homemade food and staying away from...
Problem sleeping: 7 Reasons Why Pregnancy Keeps You Awake At Night

7 Reasons Why Pregnancy Keeps You Awake At Night

Being pregnant is quite a challenge. With all the physical and emotional stress you go through, you require plenty of rest. You might have...
Apple Cider Vinegar For Heartburn

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Heartburn?

ACV can relieve the symptoms of pain and burning in the chest caused by acid reflux. It lowers the stomach acidity without affecting digestion and maintains the tone of the lower esophagal sphincter so that none of the stomach acid can travel back into the esophagus. It also checks fat accumulation in the body and prevents heartburn usually associated with obesity. Drink 2 tsps mixed in a glass of water at each meal.

Magnesium Deficiency: 9 Symptoms And 9 Necessary Foods

Though everyone knows what magnesium is, many are unaware of how important a mineral it is to the human body. Involved in over 300...

Coffee, The Better Health Drink

A potent neurostimulant and diuretic, coffee can trigger anxiety, sleep disorders, heartburn, mild dehydration, and aging. However, moderate coffee consumption has no serious health repercussions. In fact, it is a rich source of immunity-boosting antioxidants and nutrients (B vits, potassium, manganese). Limit to 2-3 cups of coffee a day and use healthy sweeteners like honey.

Natural Remedies For Instant Relief From Acidity And Heartburn

Troubled with heartburn and indigestion? As we overindulge in junk (read unhealthy) food, we are constantly on a look out for a quick relief...

What Are The Natural Ways To Treat Heartburn?

Ayurveda proposes that pitta imbalance causes heartburn. Treatment involves yoga and avoidance of spicy, oily foods. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), heartburn is caused by stagnated Qi (energy) in the liver and stomach. Therapy aims at restoring the flow of Qi through alternative treatment modalities like acupuncture, qigong.

Are Heartburn Medicines Bad For Your Kidneys?

Unlike antacids that only neutralize stomach acids, more potent heartburn drugs like H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), reduce stomach acid production itself. Chronic PPI consumers may acquire acute interstitial nephritis that can cause kidney failure. Yoga, pranayama, and balancing of pitta by avoiding spicy, fried, and sour foods and alcohol are natural alternative treatments.

Acid Reflux: Causes And Cure

Acid reflux is a common problem and can very strongly hinder your day-to-day activities. There are several tips and tricks to prevent and cure heartburn. Consuming probiotics, avoiding stressful activity before bed, skipping coffee, chewing gum, wearing loose clothes, avoiding mint after meals, and acupressure are simple yet effective ways to avoid and relieve yourself of heartburn.
benefits of raw apple cider vinegar

Benefits Of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: The Elixir Of Life

Apple cider vinegar has been considered a vital health remedy for centuries. It’s believed to have been used to treat various ailments as far...
Benefits Of Papaya

How Papaya Fruit Can Help Cure Heartburn And Indigestion

Troubled with heartburn and indigestion? Try using papaya fruit! Papaya contains papain, a remarkable, protein-dissolving enzyme that eases many stomach ailments and is an exceptional aid to digestion. A rich source of minerals and vitamins A, C and E, papain also breaks down wheat gluten, which may be of great help those with Celiac disease.