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Your Body Gives Certain Surprising Signals That Indicate A Need For A Detox

10 Unexpected Signs You Need A Detox

Not feeling your best? Something is off with your body and you're not sure what? It might be time for you to get a...

5 Orgasm Disorders That You Should Be Aware Of

Some people never have orgasms, some have them more often than they’d like to, while others have painful orgasms. Even sneezing or getting a headache before or during an orgasm are actual phenomenons. Disrupted nerve signals, abnormalities in the pelvic muscles, and imbalanced hormones play a huge part in the type, intensity, and frequency of your orgasms. Mental stress too has an impact.
How Can Light Therapy Treat Your Depression

How Can Light Therapy Treat Your Depression?

Light therapy uses a box that gives off light. It's similar to outdoor light and 20 times stronger than indoor light. This therapy regulates the body's circadian rhythm or biological clock. You'll sleep and feel better! The circadian rhythm is located in the brain, after all. With more sleep, you'll feel happier and less fatigued. Possible risks include eye irritation, headaches, and dry skin. Yet, compared to anti-depressants, light therapy has little to no side effects.

3 Simple And Effective Self/Partner Massage Techniques

These techniques can help you to alleviate some of the problems that a close friend or someone of much importance to you is undergoing. It will help them get through the day and also give them a boost of morale and satisfaction. By doing this to other, you can also get happiness of bringing some joy in others and giving them some morale boost. It is always good to start with the right pace and respect. There are many ways in which you can manage problems such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, menstruation pain and so on, through massage and gentle caressing.

5 Foods And Drinks That Commonly Cause Migraines

Migraines can be caused by food or drink. A common trigger is alcohol – a beverage that induces vasodilation and changes in neurotransmitters. In high amounts, caffeine might spark a migraine by increasing adenosine levels. Even chocolate and aged cheese contain compounds that dilate blood vessels. When possible, avoid processed meats, which are full of nitrates. These food additives will promote nitric oxide stress – a major contributor to migraines.

15 Possible Causes Of Excessive Saliva Production

The accumulation of excess saliva in your mouth can be uncomfortable and even distressing. A host of conditions can cause this problem – mononucleosis, strep throat, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, and gastroesophageal reflux disease are a few. Excessive salivation is also common if you have nausea, are pregnant, or are on certain medicines. Swollen adenoids, exposure to toxins, and certain nervous system disorders can be triggers as well.
foods that help to get rid of headaches

Foods That Help To Get Rid Of Headaches

Be it a bothersome tension headache or a debilitating migraine, it's good to have an all-natural toolkit on hand when the pain hits you. Fortunately, all it takes is a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up on some everyday foods. Choose spices like ginger, fruit like pineapple and cherries, or even some coffee or tea. Eating foods rich in magnesium and vitamins B2 and B3 (like nuts and green leafy vegetables) can also help your cause. And, of course, don't forget to drink plenty of water!

10 Yoga Poses To Combat Headaches

A headache once in a while is not a big deal. But if you're experiencing regular headaches even though you're medically fit, the reason...

How To Deal With A Migraine During Pregnancy

A migraine headache could ruin your day and plans. Blame the female hormones for it, but a migraine is more common in women than...
Is Your Headache Caused by Aspirin Deficiency

3 Reasons Your Head Aches And Natural Ways To Cure It

Regardless of what the aspirin commercials say, you are NOT supposed to suffer from any type of daily or frequent headaches. There is no...
Amazing Ways Feverfew Can Benefit Your Health

7 Amazing Ways Feverfew Can Benefit Your Health

Feverfew, or bachelor’s buttons, is related to the daisy. It’s a traditional remedy for fevers and migraines. This herb can also be used to relieve pain, such as toothaches and menstrual pain. As a digestive aid, feverfew is great for nausea, gas, and constipation. You can also use it to ease depression, calm anxiety, and regulate menstruation. Having skin issues? Feverfew will cure dermatitis, psoriasis, and irritation. If you’re pregnant or allergic to daisies, stay away from this plant.
Headaches are common, and some forms can be treated

8 Most Common Types Of Headaches

The head is one of the most common sites of pain in the body. A headache doesn't just have to be localized to the...

Top 10 Foods That May Be Responsible For Your Headaches And Migraines

There are many foods such as processed meats, alcohol, cold foods, and caffeine that are notorious for triggering headaches and migraines. In many cases, a headache after eating chocolate is really a symptom of a headache, contrary to many people believing it to be the cause itself. In the case of yogurt, headaches are actually a good sign. Maintaining a migraine diary can actually help track headache patterns so that it's easier to diagnose and cure.

Home-Made Natural Drinks That Can Relieve Migraine Headaches

Nothing can express the intense throbbing and the head-hammering pain we experience during a headache. A terrible headache accompanied by its symptoms that include...

9 Reasons Why Excessive Yawning Is A Bad Sign

Constant yawning means that you’re not getting enough sleep. This will harm your immunity, appetite, and fertility while increasing your obesity risk. Poor sleep quality will also cause frequent yawning. Boredom or stress may also be the culprit. Serious conditions like stroke or hypothyroidism can make you yawn too much. It might also be a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease or a migraine attack.