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What Simple Lifestyle Tweaks Can You Make To Prevent Back Pain?

What Simple Lifestyle Tweaks Help Prevent Back Pain?

Maintain good posture as lack of which can add strain to muscles and put stress on the spine causing back pain. Increased weight always applies added pressure to the spine and the entire anatomy. Keep your weight in a healthy range for your age, bone structure and height. Look for a pair of shoes with good arch support.

10 Stress Buster Tips To Instantly Calm You Down

Take a walk, observe 5 things and try to remember them. Manually count your heartbeat and see how it changes. Listen to instrumental music or songs that have no cursing and are less than 60 beats/min. Focus on your breath and try to stabilize breathing pattern. Play cards, sudoku or scrabble and avoid electronic games. Do something fun, anything you love.
Mindset, Habit and Commitment For A Better Change

Mindset, Habit and Commitment For A Better Change

When you set an intention for what you desire in life and review it daily, you will begin creating and experiencing a transformation in...

Your Health And The Social Media

Just a couple of months ago one of the researches suggested that reserve people are more addicted to social networking sites than the ones...
3 Tips to Save Your Eyes from Computer Strain

3 Tips to Save Your Eyes from Computer Strain

Take A Break Every 15 Minutes: Train yourself to look up and focus on an object out the window or across the room every 15 or 20 minutes; Blink Your Eyes Frequently: Blink every 10 to 15 seconds as it will coat the cornea to nourish your eye with oxygen and nutrient; Take Vitamins and Minerals: Eyes have one of the highest energy requirements in the body, and hence is important that they get proper amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Is Your Computer Usage Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Not Really

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpus, derived from the Greek word karpos, means "wrist". The wrist is surrounded by a band of fibrous tissue that...
3 Office Habits That May Put Your Health in Danger

3 Office Habits That May Put Your Health in Danger

Are you a workaholic? Staying cooped up in the office is not unusual today, and many people are now used to a lifestyle that...