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Tag: Dandelion

Summer-Garden Pesto For Nutrition And Medication

Pesto is a great addition for almost any food. What's more it can be custom-made to suit the season too. Let's learn about many health benefits of Pesto?
can dandelion root help prevent and treat cancer

Can Dandelion Root Help Prevent And Treat Cancer?

The wispy dandelion often stands for hope, and now it’s offering exactly that in cancer therapy! Traditional Chinese, native American, and Eastern medicine have long emphasized the role of dandelion in treating a variety of conditions, including cancer. In naturopathy too, dandelion is identified as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiproliferative agent. Now, taking this forward, recent studies have been exploring the role of dandelion as a potential agent for curing cancer. And the results are proving quite exciting and promising. Not only is dandelion proving effective in cancer therapy, without causing harm to normal cells, but it is also fighting off the most stubborn cancer.

4 Super Foods To Boost Detoxing Power Of Your Liver

Nutrient and mineral-rich dandelion roots help nourish the good bacteria in the gut and lower blood sugar. Swap it for coffee. Beetroots are full of betaine. It protects the liver from alcohol damage, thins the bile and is a rich dietary source of nitric oxide and antioxidants. Add to your salad. Flaxseeds provide fiber that helps flush out toxins. Good for postmenopausal women. Burdock root helps metabolize built up fats and old cholesterol deposits. Use in slaw!
10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

1. Increase Your Hydration This is by far the best natural remedy for kidney stones. People diagnosed with kidney stones should be consuming a minimum of...