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6 Immunity-Boosting Foods To Eat To Fight Off That Nasty Cold

Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has magical flu-fighting antimicrobial properties while the sesquiterpenes in ginger fight off common cold-causing rhinoviruses. Leafy greens and wild salmon boost your immunity with a healthy dose of vitamin C and vitamin D respectively. Honey, being antioxidant and antimicrobial in nature, alleviates cold symptoms while chicken soup is not just anti-inflammatory but also aides in the release of mucus secretions.

9 Foods To Include In Your Diet To Treat A Cough

Garlic can kill bacteria in the throat reduce cough. A hot ginger tea with honey can help remove mucus from the respiratory system. For children, 2.5 ml of honey before bedtime can ease their coughing. Black pepper can reduce congestion and clear mucus. Other foods you can include in your diet are chamomile tea, dark chocolate, pineapples, lemon, and chicken soup.

5 Cold-Fighting Liquids That Help Your Kid Recover Faster

The right amount of rest and nutrition are necessary for a speedy recovery from common cold. Children especially don't east much when they catch a cold and that's when parents have to introduce interesting foods that kids can't resist. These include gruel, chicken soup, vegetable soup, fruit juice and of course water. Adequate hydration and nutrient supply can help kids get back to being their energetic selves after a cold.

8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Phlegm In The Throat Fast And Naturally

When you're down with a cold, runny nose and a sore throat, it is enough to make you feel miserable all day. Instead of...
Top 10 Comfort Foods To Eat When You Are Sick

Top 10 Comfort Foods To Eat When You Are Sick

A common cold or an upset stomach can wreak havoc with our systems. Often, we hear people complaining that they have no appetite when they are sick. However, it's extremely important to keep in mind that a diet with a lot of nourishing foods like chicken soup, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices is needed to supply all the essential nutrients to the body to speed up the recovery process.

3 Simple Ways To Alleviate The Common Cold

Drink plenty of warm and nourishing liquids such as chicken soup and honey-lemon-ginger tea to help keep the body well-hydrated and relieve nasal congestion. Try to steer clear of over-the-counter cold medications that tend to provide temporary relief; work on getting enough restorative sleep instead to support a healthy immune system.

Bone Broth: Is It Really Beneficial?

Except for the essential amino acid glutamine in it that may help with weight loss, bone broth doesn’t have many health benefits. But there are ways to make your broth bowl healthier, adding some meat to it being one. You can also have the broth before a meal so you feel satiated faster which will stop you from overindulging.

Proven Foods That Help Fight The Common Cold

If you’re down with the flu, you can soon bid it adieu, as these superpower foods have been medically proven to reduce their symptoms,...
Pro Cancer Condition And Traditional Chinese Medicine

Pro Cancer Condition And Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM believes that our body’s strongest defense is from free flowing Qi (energy) within and among five important organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. To prevent a "pro cancer body" try Chinese food therapy: lung energy deficiency - spring rice and wild yam; spleen organ weakness - dry ginger and tangerine peel; Liver organ imbalance - mushroom date soup.