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10 Psychological Tricks to Lose More Weight

10 Psychological Tricks To Lose Weight

If you WANT the food, leave it. If you NEED it, eat it. Its OK to leave some food on your plate. Mentally calculate the calories in the food in front of you. Avoid distractions like TV and pay attention to what you eat, taste and how full your tummy feels. Use a smaller plate and a larger fork, and drink calorie-filled fluids from tall glasses to fool your brain into eating less.

8 Practical Strategies To Avoid Overeating

Drink a glass of water before and after every meal. Eat fiber-rich foods. Use smaller plates and spoons. Sit properly, eat slowly and chew your food well. Avoid distractions like TV and music while eating. Cut down on sugar - it blocks the satiety signal. Get your calories from solid foods instead of beverages. When you order in, use a plate instead of eating directly from the bag.
How To Go From Skinny To Muscular Without Weights

How To Go From Skinny To Muscular Without Weights?

Focus on strength training. Start slowly. Do each exercise until you can’t perform another rep. When you can do more than 15 reps, advance to harder exercise. Do different variations aimed at same muscle group to activate growth. Best exercises to build muscle and strength are pull ups, dive bomber push ups, dips, split squats. Eat carbs and protein rich meals.
7 Tips to Burn Those Holiday Calories

7 Calorie Burning Tips To Lose Your Holiday Weight

Keep moving and stay active to burn more calories. Eat small meals every 2-4 hrs. Consume ‘healthy’ fats and drink cold water to increase your calorie burning potential. Weight training ensures fat burn during and after exercise. Include hot spices in your diet to boost metabolism. Increase protein as the body consumes more calories to break it down.

Not How Much But Which Calories You Eat Is The Key

Any calories in the form of refined carbs, sugars and processed foods increase insulin levels and aid fat storage. Where as calories from nuts, vegetables and fruits come with protein, healthy fats and fiber. This points out that counting calories doesn't matter, but how they convert inside the body is what really counts.
Breaking Old School Myths Stop Counting Calories

Breaking Old School Myths: Stop Counting Calories

Calories from nutrient-poor food like junk food spike your insulin levels, dull satiety signals, encourage overeating and set off cravings. Whereas nutrient rich food minimizes cravings, signal satiety, maintain stable blood sugar levels and keeps your hunger at bay. So the quality of food you put in your body is more important than calories you are counting.
Fruitarian Diet - The Good The Bad And The Ugly

Fruitarian Diet – The Good The Bad And The Ugly

The good in fruitarian diet is that it is low in calories, no cooking is necessary and it is fiber-rich. The bad is they can be nutrient-restrictive and cause anemia. People who follow this diet can have calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12 and iron deficiency. Excessive fructose can lead to slow metabolism and cause insulin resistance, diabetes, and cancer.

Calorie Burning Drink That Works While You Sleep

Blend 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, 1 tbs grated ginger, 1 tbs of aloe vera juice, a bunch of cilantro/parsley and ½ glass of water until smooth and drink before bedtime. This drink boosts your metabolism rate and burn fat as you sleep. Cucumber and lemon flush fat and toxins respectively, while ginger eases digestion and parsley/cilantro is rich in antioxidants.

8 Simple Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

Wish you could speed up your rate of fat loss? Tired of seeing so-so progress but feeling like you’re doing everything possible to reach...

Eat Right And Cease Calorie Count For A Beach Body

Counting calories is not always the best option to achieve that fabulous beach body! Eat whole foods and eat only when you're hungry. Increase intake of lean proteins and greens. Avoid starchy foods. Stay hydrated, get ample rest to balance out those hormone levels. Stay active and Include 20-30 minutes of physical activity everyday and never skip meals.

How Much Should You Eat To Lose Weight

Some guidelines according to Ayurveda are: do not eat till your full, only 50% of your meal should be solid, 25% liquid and 25% empty, reduce food intake with reduced physical activity, consume liquids, fruits and salads, during summer substitute food with more liquids, eat junk food slowly and silently, eat only so much that satisfies your hunger.

Nutrition: The Secret Behind A Great Body

To have a healthy and fit physique, nutritional intake is as important as exercising. Successfully controlling your diet and being consistent with food intake can have long-term benefits and help reduce fat in the body. Eating just right every 2-3 hours improves metabolism and boosts nutrition absorption.
What I Had To Unlearn After Studying Nutrition?

What I Had To Unlearn After Studying Nutrition?

Growing up, I couldn't have cared less about cooking, nutrition or health. I could have eaten a grilled cheese sandwich every day and been...
Overcoming Food And Diet Obsession

Overcoming Food And Diet Obsession

There was a time when I was dying to lose weight. Where I craved to be like the skinny minnies plastered all over a...
4 Tips To Effectively Lose Weight On A Paleo Diet

4 Simple Tips To Effectively Lose Weight On A Paleo Diet

A Paleo-style diet can be a great way to lose fat and get healthy. Don't restrict calories, restrict carbs. Eat simple but whole foods. Stick with basics like eating a protein such as beef or fish and whole-food carbs from green, leafy vegetables and fruit. Include walking, light jogging, light weight lifting. Partner with someone to keep you on track and achieve your goals.