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These Simple Tips Will Help You De-Stress At Your Desk

These 5 Simple Tips Will Help You De-Stress At Your Desk

Stress at work demands relaxation. And when you have very little time at hand, de-stress at your desk with simple methods like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualizing your happy place, laughing, and engaging your senses. You could also gently massage your ear lobes, doodle for a bit, or even stare at a wall to relieve yourself of unwanted stress.

7 Steps For Moms To Create A Peaceful Morning Routine

Morning yoga practice is that sacred time when you nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Over years of practice, you likely go on to...

Yoga Nidra: How Its Stages Help Transcend Stress

Traditionally, yogic practices aim to transcend the limiting tendencies of the mind. Various branches of yoga achieve this state of inner spontaneity and freedom...

Correct Breathing: Its Steps And Role In Mental Well-Being

The breath is the basis of our being and without it, we cannot survive. It is one such unique process in the body which...
Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

5 Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

Infertility is a common concern among people of this generation. This is thanks to the excess stress caused by a busy work life. Yoga, which is great for improving overall health, also works wonders for improving fertility. Try poses like the seated forward bend pose, standing forward bend pose, legs up the wall pose, one legged forward bend pose, and bee breathing technique for improved fertility.

Why You Must Take Off Your Underwear Before Bedtime

The vagina needs fresh air in order to maintain a balanced biome. Materials like silk and synthetic trap moisture and don't let your vagina breathe. This could increase your chances of contracting a yeast or a urinary tract infection. Ditching your underwear before bed or at least wearing 100% cotton, loose fitting panties can help air out your vagina and keep it clean.

Avoid These Asthma Triggers To Breathe Easier

A common respiratory ailment around the world, asthma can make living harder. There has been no proven cure for asthma yet, and those who...

4 Clinical Reasons Behind Breathlessness

Breathlessness is medically known as dyspnea. It is characterized by shortness of breaths. Breathlessness is a common symptom associated with many pulmonary conditions. This...

5 Easy Tips On Tantric Sex For Beginners

The word 'tantra' comes from Indian and Buddhist religious traditions. While most people equate it to ritual sex, tantra has much broader and wider...

A Simple Clairvoyance Meditation Technique To Open The Third Eye

Clairvoyance meditation is absolutely necessary if you want to open your third eye. The third eye is actually a natural part of every person....

5 Steps To Practice Vipassana Meditation The Right Way

Vipassana meditation helps you see things as they really are; it gives you the bigger picture. Sit with your legs crossed and your back straight. Focus on your rising and falling abdomen as you breathe naturally and say “rising, rising, falling, falling” in your head. When your mind wanders, assign new words to your feelings, sensations, and thoughts. Be gentle on your thoughts and relax.

6 Ancient Recuperation Practices For New Mothers

Being a new mother can be very hard on the mind and body of the mother. So it is important to practice some of the ancient techniques that make the new mother's body and mind feel relaxed and healthy. These practices were used in the ancient times as a remedy for this very same purpose. They are eating healing foods, acupressure, self massage, root lock breath, makara mudra and the various yoga asanas intended for this problem and also balance out the hormones.

9 Good Reasons Why Head-First Births Are Considered Ideal

The optimal position for your baby to be born in is considered to be the head down position. Most babies are born head first...

The Full Power Of Taoist Meditation And How To Do It

Modern science has found that the simple act of meditation regularly has a profound impact on your mind and body. Even if you're not...

5 Ways In Which Breathing The Baby Out Makes Birth Easier

There is no dearth in the pieces of advice moms get to hear or read to reduce the intensity of pain during childbirth. However, when...