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5 Conditions That Require You To Avoid Ginger In Your Diet

5 Conditions That Require You To Avoid Ginger In Your Diet

Ginger is an appetite suppressor; so, if you are underweight, it may lead to poor muscle mass. Ginger has blood stimulating properties; therefore, avoid it if you suffer from blood disorders and during the final months of pregnancy. Those on diabetes medications should avoid the spice. Those with gallstones should speak to the doctor before adding ginger to their diet.

Priapism Penis Disorder: Its Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

An erection normally occurs in men because of sexual stimulation and goes away when the stimulation stops. But, in rare cases, some people may experience an erection even without any sexual stimulation and the erection may last for more than four hours. This condition is called priapism and can be painful or even indicate an underlying disease. If untreated, it may cause erectile dysfunction.
Hyperkalemia could be problematic if not consulted with a doctor

Everything You Need To Know About Hyperkalemia

High potassium levels in the body is only a symptom of an underlying cause. In most cases, kidney disease is responsible for the general tiredness, tingling, which accompanies this condition. In hyperkalemia patients, it is imperative that their problem is addressed by doctors immediately. Treatment involves treating the underlying cause, either through diet and medication or in severe and chronic cases, through dialysis. Symptoms of hyperkalemia are chest pain and tightness, in which case the person needs to be rushed to a hospital immediately.

What Does Arrhythmia During Sleep Or Exercise Mean?

Arrhythmia is a condition where the heart beat is abnormal and often fluctuates. It may occur even while you are asleep or exercising. Many factors play a role in causing arrhythmia, which affects the efficient blood flow throughout the body. People with sleep-related breathing disorders may also suffer from arrhythmia. Hence, it is important to know what arrhythmia that occurs during sleep or exercise means.
days where you become snappy and grumpy

Why You Get ‘Hangry’ And 5 Ways To Avoid It

You must have been through days where you became snappy and grumpy for no real reason except for the fact that you're probably starving....

Ready To Lose Your Virginity? Here’s What To Expect

With so many myths about losing one's virginity doing the rounds, staying informed about sex and everything else that comes with it can be of great help, especially if it's your first time. Not only will this help alleviate some of your biggest unwarranted fears (especially about the pain and the bleeding), but can also help you relax so you can make the most of this moment.
hickness can cause spontaneous clot formation)

Natural Foods To Eat And Avoid If You Have Thick Blood

Your body has the capacity to lighten or thicken your blood and it regulates the thickness of your blood based on certain situations, like...

How An Erection Is Like A Symphony With Orchestral Members

Achieving a rigid erection is a "symphony" that results from the interplay of four "orchestral sections" – nerves, blood vessels, erectile smooth muscle, and erectile skeletal muscle (pelvic floor...

5 Need To Know Health Benefits Of Green Gram

Green gram is a legume with many health benefits. It’s also very easy to cook! The high fiber and protein content will control hunger, making it easier to manage weight. Fiber is also useful for fighting constipation and high blood cholesterol. If you want to control and prevent diabetes, the fiber also regulates blood sugar. Eating green gram will also boost your intake of iron, a mineral needed for healthy red blood cells.

6 Common Beach Myths You’ve Got To Stop Believing

Nothing says summer like a day at the beach. However, despite our undying love for the beach, precious little is known about beach safety....

5 Ways Macadamia Nut Oil Can Benefit Your Health

Macadamia nut oil is a rich source of palmitoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. It can decrease “bad” LDL cholesterol while improving total cholesterol levels. This oil is also linked to smaller adipocytes, leading to better metabolic control, improved insulin resistance, and reduced inflammation. On the skin, macadamia nut oil can replenish the natural level of palmitoleic acid. It’s especially useful after exposure to UV-irradiation. If you’re allergic to tree nuts, you should avoid macadamia nut oil.
ways to lower hemoglobin A1c levels

Best Ways To Lower Hemoglobin A1c Levels Naturally

Hemoglobin A1c levels can tell you if your blood sugar levels are in check. Usually, having numbers in excess of 7 percent is not a good sign. If you’re trying to lower your HbA1c levels naturally, home remedies like apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, nuts, turmeric, and other larder ingredients can be a huge help. Combine these with exercise and weight loss and you should see your HbA1c and fasting blood glucose levels come down to healthier levels.
Blood oranges help in weight loss

5 Ways Blood Oranges Can Help You Lose Weight

Blood oranges are a tasty, low-calorie snack. If you’re trying to lose weight, you can enjoy several of them without packing on the pounds. They also contain fiber, a nutrient that enhances satiety and prevents overeating. It’ll help you stay on track! Plus, blood oranges don’t have added sugar, making them a smarter alternative to sweet treats. Studies have even shown that blood oranges have compounds that prevent fat accumulation and weight gain.

3 Benefits Of Light Roast Over Dark Roast Coffee

When coffee beans are roasted, they become brown and bitter. However, the process destroys chlorogenic acid, coffee’s major antioxidant. Since light roasts are heated less, they’re the healthier option. In the body, chlorogenic acid decreases cancer risk by fighting free radicals. It also reduces blood glucose and total cholesterol, giving you protection from type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But excess caffeine might lead to insomnia, restlessness, and stomach upset.

How Does Trauma Affect The Brain And Body?

Trauma can be caused by a physical injury or shocking experience. It initiates the stress response, leading to symptoms like headaches, depression, or insomnia. In extreme cases, post-traumatic stress disorder can develop. This stress can lead to inflammation and poor immune function. In the case of severe physical trauma, there’s an increased risk for sepsis, impaired blood flow, blood loss, and respiratory damage. Mental health and memory can also suffer because of stress-induced inflammation.