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Tag: Bedroom

Natural Ways To Thicken Eyelashes

Since the eyes are a window to one’s soul, having lovely lashes to adorn that window works well to your advantage. Batting your eyelashes,...

5 Ways To Alleviate Insomnia

Insomnia makes it difficult for you to function properly during the day. Not only is your body deprived of the rest it needs, but you are prone to mood swings, irritability, and low levels of concentration. Sweet dreams are made by following these simple tricks. The first thing you should do is to keep your phone away.

4 Things In Your Home That Could Be Making You Sick

If you’re falling sick often and can’t find out why, it might be a good idea to look around your home. There are several spots that could become breeding grounds for germs. Here are four germ hot spots that you could be overlooking.

Blueprint For A Healthy Home

There is truly an art and science to "tidying up." Since your home is your sanctuary, it is more critical than ever to make...

5 Energizing Yoga Poses You Can Do In Bed

If you’re struggling to make time to exercise, these yoga poses are the way to go. These poses help to open up your chest and lungs, stretch out the spine, and renews energy flow throughout your entire body. Practicing these yoga poses every morning will help you feel great and excited throughout the day.

When Should You Drink Water

Thirst is a natural urge that should be fulfilled naturally. Hydrate when your thirsty. A glass when you wake up and with your meals will do you good, too.

Is It Better To Shower In The Morning Or At Night?

When you shower is a personal matter that should remain so. Unwind after a long day with a hot shower or jumpstart your day with a cold one. It's your call.

5 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better

Most of us would turn to conventional sleeping pills, warm milk, soothing music, and the like to sleepily slip into dreamland. But did you...

Restful Sleep In Just 10 Minutes!

This 10-minute bedtime practice will help your mind and body prepare for a restful and a truly regenerative sleep.

10 Running Tips For Beginners

Want to make running a part of your fitness regimen but don't know where to begin? These 10 tips should help you get up, out and running!

Simple Morning Rituals That Healthy People Follow

Crawling out of bed early to get a little extra time in the morning can be an everyday challenge. Here are ways to give you that extra push.
different positions that help labor pain

Using Different Positions Helps Labor Pain

This series of photos is from a single labor. The photos are wonderful, raw, and personal. I love watching this family and their doula...

Is It OK To Eat Fruits Before Going To Bed?

Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco reduce melatonin (the sleep hormone) and act as sleep antagonists. Tryptophan-rich foods do the opposite, helping you sleep effortlessly. Don't sleep hungry. Fruits (like kiwifruit, banana, and pineapple) are perfect bedtime snacks – nutritious powerhouses rich in sleep-inducers (tryptophan, melatonin, magnesium) and devoid of sleep antagonists (fat, caffeine, spice, and alcohol).

10 Caring Tips To Help A Near One Dealing With Menopause

Read up on hot flashes, osteoporosis, and other symptoms. Give your wife a confident boost by telling her how beautiful she is. Be patient through her erratic moods and decreased libido. Join a couple’s yoga class to stay calm. Do aerobics and strength training together to strengthen her bones and balance her hormones. Make lifestyle and diet changes so she feels comfy and healthy.

11 Simple Tips To Become An Early Riser

Sleep early, rise early. Stick to a strict sleep schedule, even on weekends. Avoid heavy food just before bed as it channels energy away to digestion, stealing energy needed for your body's repair. Avoid caffeinated drinks in the afternoon. Though a few drinks might help you pass out but you are deprived of restorative REM sleep. Challenge yourself to rise early. Keep your alarm clock out of reach.