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10 Handpicked List of Grocery Essentials For Healthy Eating

Are you a newbie to healthy eating? Don't fret! Here's your shopping list.

6 Fat Shedding Secrets Of Japanese Black Soybean Tea And 4 Simple Steps To...

The number of overweight and obese people in the world is steadily rising to a really scary level. And why wouldn’t it when we...

The 3-Day Military Diet Plan For Quick And Effective Weight Loss

We all have traveled in that boat; the one that requires you to lose weight just weeks before a wedding or get together or...

Pregnancy Nutrition 101

Healthy prenatal eating, good nutrition is vital if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eat at least 5 portions of deep-hued fruits, veggies (think berries, kale, spinach!) daily. Choose wholegrain foods, dairy products like whole milk, yogurt, cheese, and organic farm-raised meat, wild fish to get your daily doze of essential nutrients. Cut back on gluten, sugary foods.

Planning Thanksgiving The Ayurvedic Way

Thanksgiving is a festival where we try to feel grateful for all that life throws at us. It's a season we try to increase our and everybody else's happiness. According to Ayurveda, the sadhak pitta greatly influences our emotions. So let's try some Ayurvedic recipes that can balance the sadhak pitta and increase our happiness.

10 Bizarre And Possibly Taboo Chinese Health Remedies

In this strange and bewildering world, we might each have come across our own fair share of cultural practices or therapies that may shock,...
Vitamin B12 sources for Vegans

Top 6 Vegan Sources Of Vitamin B12 You Didn’t Know

Getting vitamin B12 through food is a major challenge for vegans as the skin of white button mushroom is the only natural source of absorbable B12. Seaweed, nori, and miso are best avoided as they contain inactive versions of B12 that hinder active B12 absorption. The other options are fortified cereals, rice, plant-based milk, and supplements, which should be taken in small doses for maximum absorption.

Can Soybean Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer?

Phytoestrogens found in soy exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial properties that may reduce your risk of prostate cancer by ~30%. These properties have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by inducing cell death (apoptosis), inhibiting the growth of secondary tumors (metastasis), preventing tumors from developing their own blood supply (angiogenesis).
Organic Foods: Which Ones Are Worth The Money?

Organic Foods: Which Ones Are Worth The Money?

The Dirty Dozen list put out by the Environmental Working Group includes foods with high pesticide levels - apples, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, grapes, celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas and potatoes. Dairy, soy, beef, coffee and corn are on the extended list. If possible, buy organic versions of these foods.

Healthy And Filling Tuscan Vegetable Bean And Bread Soup

Saute 1 cut onion, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots in olive oil. Add 2 cups soaked cannellini beans and 1/2 ltr water. Cook for 40 mins. Add, cook on med flame, 1 tomato+4 garlic cloves+2 cups each cabbage, Swiss chard (all cut), 4 tbsp tomato paste, 1 tsp each sage+basil, 2 potatoes, 1 cubed zucchini, 2 bay leaves. Take off heat. Add bread, drizzle hot olive oil with chilli flakes.
5 Plant Based Protein To Add To Your Diet

5 Plant Based Proteins You Can Add To Your Diet

Plants proteins offer more vitamins and minerals than animal proteins and have lots of fiber, that controls blood sugar and keeps digestive tract healthy. They contain less fat and little to no cholesterol. Beans of all varieties, lentils and nuts are great sources of these proteins. Add protein rich mushrooms topping in pizza and include broccoli in everyday dishes.
Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Melt That Extra Fat- Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Nuts are filled with healthy fats and suppress hunger. No-mayo tuna with whole grain crackers provides a rich dose of protein and fiber. Hummus with veggies is rich in fiber and good source of protein. Other options include yogurt parfait with berries and hemp seeds, hard boiled eggs, apple with cheese, lettuce wraps and strawberries dipped in Greek yogurt.
8 Delicious Plant-Based Sources Of Essential Protein

8 Delicious Plant-Based Sources Of Essential Protein

Lentils are rich in protein, essential minerals and B-vitamins and also contain a ton of fiber. Beans also have a great source of fiber. Nuts are high on protein, fiber as well as healthy fats like omega 3’s. Yeast is a great source of Vit B, protein and fiber. Quinoa has complex carbs and anti-oxidants while chia seeds are rich in zinc and phytonutrients.
Fighting Back Menopausal Hot Flashes Naturally

Fighting Back Menopausal Hot Flashes Naturally

Chinese herbal formulas like Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan and Huang Bai, cool the blood and clear empty heat from the system. Acupuncture, promotes hormone regulation and nourishes kidney fluids, both of which help reduce hot flashes. Foods bitter or cooling in nature like pumpkin, turnips, asparagus and kale or cabbage, carrots and cauliflower are recommended.
Hey, Soy-Lets Be Breast Friends Again

Hey, Soy-Lets Be Breast Friends Again!

Results from a study of over 5,000 Chinese breast cancer survivors stated that women who consumed three cups of soy milk per day were less likely to have a recurrence or to die of breast cancer than women who only drank ½ cup a day. You should aim to get at least 1 serving of soy (organic, non GMO) each day ( that’s ¼ cup of tofu or tempeh or 1 cup of soy milk).