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Say Sayonara To Sunburn With Teabags

Sun rays can be life-affirming but excessive exposure to the sun can wreak havoc on our bodies. Too much of the sun can cause...

7 Simple Tips To Prevent Vaginal Odor

Vaginal odor causes embarrassment and discomfort. Vaginal odor usually occurs because of an infection or due to other diseases. Whatever the cause, it must not be ignored and must be treated. It may also cause soreness, itchiness and may adversely affect the relationship with your partner. A mild vaginal odor is normal, but, a strong, fishy odor must be treated immediately.
common fever myths busted

6 Beliefs About Fever That Are Absolute Myths

The fear of fever or pyrexiophobia is prevalent worldwide. A majority of us have a lot of false beliefs about the fever that are baseless. Many think all kinds of high fever are dangerous and needs medication. That's not true. Awareness about why body temperature rises during fever is crucial. Fever is actually body's natural defense reaction to infection or inflammation for a speedy recovery.

8 Ways To Soften Rough, Dry, Overworked Hands

Regardless of what line of work we're in, we all use our hands extensively. Our hands are always exposed to the sun and the...

8 Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Arthritis

Apple cider vinegar is one of the easiest home remedies for arthritis and joint pain. Some ways to use it are as follows: drink it with water, soak when mixed with water, mix with oils, add to cherry juice, run a bath with it, make a poultice, add honey to it, or make a tonic using peppermint tea and cinnamon. All of these could work to reduce pain and inflammation.

16 Tips On Giving Your Newborn Baby A Bath

First-time parents would be probably wondering if the tiny baby needs a bath every day or every other day. You might even feel apprehensive...

8 Silly Ways You Are Letting Your Pregnancy Secret Slip Away

Many moms prefer to keep their pregnancy news to their partners only. Usually, they wait until the first trimester is complete as the risk...

How Safe Are Hot Showers And Hot Tubs During Pregnancy

A hot water bath could be extremely soothing for any pregnant woman. Not only does it helps the muscles relax—it also eases the joint...

8 Ways To Cure Postpartum Rectal Bleeding

By the time you reach your due date, you will probably understand how pregnancy becomes an unforgettable journey and an experience of its own...
Which Stall Should You Pick When Visiting A Public Restroom?

Which Stall Should You Pick When Visiting A Public Restroom?

When on the move, public restrooms are a huge necessity. Public toilets are, however, health hazards just waiting to happen. Fortunately, you can limit your exposure to the massive party of germs and bacteria in the public restrooms, by learning to choose the cleanest stall at such places. If you want to go one step further to preserve your health, there are always a few cleanliness tips you can learn to make a habit of.
Oatmeal To Treat Keratosis Pilaris Or Chicken Skin

Oatmeal To Treat Keratosis Pilaris Or Chicken Skin

Keratosis Pilaris or chicken skin is a common skin condition that affects both young and the old alike. The condition can worsen in people with dry skin and may aggravate during the winter months. Many ointments and medicines are available to treat the condition, but they are not always effective. Simple home remedies such as using oatmeal can help treat this condition. Oatmeal can be used as a mask, a soap, in the bath and even as a scrub to help alleviate the skin disorder.

How To Soothe Eczema With Baking Soda

Eczema is usually treated with prescription creams and drugs. However, baking soda offers a cheap and natural remedy. It’ll calm irritation and prevent skin infections. To relieve scaling, make a lukewarm bath soak with baking soda. A compress soaked in baking soda and water will also remove damaged tissue. To avoid blistering and odor, make a paste with baking soda and almond oil. This will moisturize dry skin while controlling irritation.

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Avoid Traveler’s Constipation

Some people travel for work while others travel to explore. Whatever your reason for traveling is, the fact is that traveling takes you away...

6 Household Chores To Avoid During Pregnancy

Are cleaning and conquering clutter on top of your mind? The uncontrollable urge to destroy dust shouldn't go into overdrive especially if your due...

What Do Your Pee And Poo Timings Tell About Your Health?

Passing stools at least once in 3 days is considered to be normal, but ideally one should defecate at least 1-2 times a day. when it comes to passing urine, 6-8 times over a period of 24h is normal. However, millions worldwide are unaware of the fact that the appearance of stools and urine is an important indicator of health or disease.