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Tag: Bacterial Infections

Can Bacterial Infections Lead To Cancer?

Bacterial infections trigger chronic inflammation that alters cell growth and induces tumors. Bacteria H. pylori is linked to gastric cancer; S. typhi to gall bladder cancer; S. bovis to colon cancer; C. pneumoniae to lung cancer. P. melaninogenica, S. mitis are early salivary markers in the detection of oral cancers while C. trachomatis is linked to a higher risk of cervical cancer.

Why Probiotics Should Be Part Of Your Daily Diet

Probiotics are live microbes ingested through foods (kimchi, yogurt, kefir) or supplements to refill healthy gut bacteria. They help synthesize vitamins and neurochemicals required for normal brain function. An unhealthy gut can cause Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, UTIs, and acne. Stress disrupts the gut microbiota, so stay calm. Avoid fatty, sugary, and acidic foods. They irritate the gut.

Stroke Awareness: Signs, Causes, And Natural Remedies

According to the World Health Organization, more than 5 million people die of stroke worldwide each year. This scary statistic raises the importance of...

Eating Disorder? Blame Bacteria, Not Trauma

If you have a eating disorder, chances are you will hate food. These feelings of disgust or fear are caused by bacteria rather than any other psychological factor. To fight the bacteria, the immune system triggers antibodies, which attack, by mistake, the brain's limbic system that controls such emotions. Changing this specific gut bacteria might cure diseases like IBS and CFS.

What Are The Warning Signs Of Life-Threatening Sepsis?

Hypothermia (below 96.8F), hyperthermia (over 101F), more than 20 breaths or 90 heartbeats per min are shout-outs for sepsis. Oliguria, lower platelet count, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing can escalate into a precipitous drop in blood pressure resulting in septic shock. Shivering, extreme pain, pale skin, sleepiness, and shortness of breath are signs to watch out for.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore That Mouth Infection

A bacterial infection can form plaque on your teeth. When plaque extends below your visible gum line, it can cause gingivitis, which can develop into even more severe periodontitis. Gum diseases can also cause esophageal cancer and chronic kidney disease. Don’t want to lose your pearly whites? Get your gums checked often. Watch out for indicators like bleeding gums.

Tips to Improve Gut Health, Lose Weight And Avoid IBS

Eat whole unprocessed foods, lots of leafy greens (75% of your meals), healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and fibre-rich foods like raw nuts and seeds. Consume fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchi. Avoid sugar, include walking, yoga and pilates in your daily routine, sleep min of 8 hrs, eat at least 4 hrs before bedtime and drink filtered water.

Living Longer. Living Better. Adding Life To Your Years

While life expectancy has increased by around 20 years since the 1920s, health expectancy has not. You can change this! Eat a high-fiber, low-sugar diet rich in Vit A, B12 and D, folate, magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fats. To keep your gut ecology in healthy order, include fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, yogurt and avoid excess medication. Don't forget to get age-appropriate screening tests done.

5 Reasons Why Fat Is Not Your Fault

Fat can sometimes be difficult to budge, despite eating healthy and working out daily. Excess estrogen and low progesterone can lead to a vicious "fat deposition - estrogen increase" cycle. Increase in levels of harmful bacteria in the gut can lead to fat gain. Lack of sleep and anti-depressants tend to increase food cravings. Your genes could be to blame too!

How To Support Beneficial Symbiotic Bacteria In Pregnancy

The mouth lends beneficial bacteria to the uterus and placenta. So avoid harsh hydrogen peroxide based mouthwashes. Try oil pulling using sesame or cold-pressed coconut oil instead. Consume naturally fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. Avoid commercially available animal products as they contain chemicals that throw your gut flora off balance.

7 Deadly Diseases Caused By Bacteria In The Gut

We are colonized by ten times more bacteria in our gut than the cells in our body! The diversity of gut bacteria species and the numbers of specific beneficial or harmful bacteria impact the amount and nature of toxic and inflammatory substances released, leading to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, Liver Disease, Chronic Heart Failure and Autoimmune Disease.

8 Reasons To Go Organic

Organic foods have more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micro-nutrients and taste better. They are free from toxic chemical residue and GMO risks. Organic eggs, dairy and other animal products, don't contain antibiotics, drugs and growth hormones. Organic farming promotes agricultural diversity, keeps farmland healthy and helps preserve the ecosystem.

How To Combat Urinary Tract Infection Without Medication

Cranberry contains antioxidants that defer the UTI causing bacteria from attaching to the bladder. Consume 8 oz cranberry juice in the morning or through the day. Bearberry is a diuretic herb that has antibiotic and astringent properties that cleanse the entire urinary tract. Take under guided supervision and avoid consuming both together to avoid allergic reactions.

Could It Be B12 Deficiency?

B12 deficiency symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities, insomnia, depression or mood swings. Chronic B12 deficiency can lead to neurological problems, cognitive decline, anemia and fertility issues. B12 deficiency is caused by malabsorption (atrophic gastritis), lack of sufficient intrinsic factor protein or stomach acid, antacids and H. Pylori infection.
How to treat interstitial cystitis

How To Treat Interstitial Cystitis Naturally?

Interstitial Cystitis or bladder pain syndrome, normally affecting women, is a multi-factorial condition. There is no single drug or herb treatment, but the healthier a person is, the more likely it can go into remission. Alkaline-based diet provides temporary relief and mast cell stabilizers help restore immune system balance. The focus should be to treat underlying factors.