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Tag: Acupressure

Simple Lifestyle Tweaks To Help Protect Your Vision

Spend at least 20 mins daily in full spectrum light, preferably in the early morning before rays are too harsh, without glasses or contact lenses. Ensure frequent movement of eyes to improve blood flow. Acupressure on the feet with special attention to the bottom of the second and third toes or a deep massage at the base of the neck can help prevent eyestrain.

How To Do Acupressure When You’re In Labor

As far back as 5,000 years ago, acupressure has been used to help relieve pain in laboring women. In more recent times, Western culture...
Acupressure Techniques

Can Acupressure Techniques Go Where Medicines Cannot?

Acupressure stimulates the body to cure itself by restoring imbalance in a person’s energy, Qi. Acupressure is a holistic and medicine-free approach that is effective in treating problems like asthma, fatigue, chronic lower back pain, stress, nausea and eye problems. It can be safely used to supplement conventional treatments. Pregnant women should avoid it.
Acupressure, Energy Psychology And Relaxation

Acupressure, Energy Psychology and Relaxation

Acupressure points are places on the skin that are especially sensitive to bioelectrical impulses in the body and conduct those impulses readily.Two acupressure points that are very effective for stress and and promoting relaxation are the third eye acupressure point and the sea of tranquility acupressure point. Also, a new set of techniques for promoting relaxation are referred to as Energy Psychology techniques and ‘meridian therapies’ since they work with the qi that flows through the body’s meridians.

Acid Reflux: Causes And Cure

Acid reflux is a common problem and can very strongly hinder your day-to-day activities. There are several tips and tricks to prevent and cure heartburn. Consuming probiotics, avoiding stressful activity before bed, skipping coffee, chewing gum, wearing loose clothes, avoiding mint after meals, and acupressure are simple yet effective ways to avoid and relieve yourself of heartburn.

Acupressure: Relieving Stress Through Pressure Points

Our Aversion To “Alternative” Healing The mere mention of “alternative” medicine seems so alien and obscure that we tend to shun away anything and everything...