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Tag: Abdomen

How Safe Is Weight Training During Pregnancy?

If you stay within limits and your healthcare provider has given you the green flag, weightlifting during pregnancy is safe. Check out this badass mamma-to-be...
food and exercises to lose belly fat

Food And Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Who doesn’t want a flat, toned stomach? Well, fret not, we have a few ideas up our sleeves. While spot reduction of the belly alone isn't really possible, eating a healthy diet and exercising can help you get there. Then there are those magic foods that target your belly fat! So if you’re looking to lose a spare tire or two, a bowl of oatmeal with berries for breakfast and a healthy dose of yoga can be just the right thing.

What is the safest position to sleep in during pregnancy?

Getting some sleep is the hardest thing during pregnancy. Your hips ache, you sweat more than usual and your heartburns only get worse. You...

10 Waist Slimming Foods And Their Ravishing Recipe Ideas

Slim that wide waist and paunch pouring over your jeans with these natural fat-shedding food options, instead of those artificial weight loss supplements and...

7 Best Drinks To Lose Belly Fat

Exercise not cutting it? It's time to take it up a notch. Here are six killer drinks to go from a flabby gut to a flat tummy.

Tips To Lose Baby Bump Post Delivery (And More!)

When you are pregnant, your body changes to make more room for the growing fetus inside of you. The abdominal muscles stretch and your...

PCOS Management Tips For Optimal Fertility

Trying to conceive? Check-out the following "miracle" fertility treatments (backed by solid scientific studies!) for PCOS pregnancy success.

How Can Walking Help People With Diabetes?

Taking a walk might be one of the best things you can do if you have diabetes. Walking not only improves the way in which your body responds to insulin but also reduces abdominal fat, which is linked to insulin resistance. Walking can also make your muscles take up glucose much better. So get your walking shoes on and tell diabetes to go take a walk!

The Breath Connection To Back Pain

You might be surprised to learn the correlation between breathing and low back pain! Read more to know how belly breathing can help keep back pain at bay.

10 Heart Failure Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

One in every three people mistakes heart failure for something else or mostly dismisses the symptoms as those of aging. Here are 10 signs...

7 Reasons Why Belly Size Doesn’t Always Equate To Baby Size

Most pregnant women will agree that the moment their bump is noticeable, everyone they meet has an opinion about the size of the baby. ...

Stop Your Feelings From Feeding Your Waistline

Feeling low and sad can be vicious circle as it causes hormonal imbalance the ripple effect of which is weight gain. Read on to know how you can out of it.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Doing Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy

We breathe without even being aware of it. But during pregnancy, the very act of breathing can help us sail through the tedious nine...

Your Post-Delivery Body: What Happens in the First 24 Hours After Giving Birth

Once your precious bundle is born, the toughest part of your pregnancy journey may indeed be over, but the process of childbirth continues for...

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Melt Belly Fat?

Belly fat can be stubborn, and consuming ACV along with diet and exercise may help your efforts to lose that jelly belly. The acetic acid in ACV has been credited to suppress visceral fat accumulation by increasing a sense of satiety, preventing starch digestion, expelling harmful toxins from the body. It also revs up your metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat faster.