Stroke Awareness: Signs, Causes, And Natural Remedies

According to the World Health Organization, more than 5 million people die of stroke worldwide each year. This scary statistic raises the importance of increasing public awareness about the stroke symptoms, risk factors, and stroke prevention natural remedies for sidestepping stroke.

A stroke is a ‘brain attack’ that occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted and the part of the brain that it feeds is damaged, sometimes irreparably!


The health conditions like – high blood pressure and high cholesterol that are often the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices are the most common causes of a stroke. A balanced diet and a plenty of physical exercise can be directed towards addressing the root causes and reversing the stroke risk.

Also, it is extremely important to recognize the risk factors for a stroke so that you can avoid this damaging and potentially deadly condition.


This post is a complete stroke awareness guide that will readily help you to identify the risk factors involved and the early signs and symptoms of a stroke along with natural and medical remedies for stroke recovery and prevention.

Stroke Signs And Symptoms

Warning Signs Of A Stroke



There are several signs of a stroke to look out for. Major signs include – A loss of feeling in the face, arms, or legs, slurred or incoherent speech, drooling, or trouble comprehending simple instructions, difficulty with motor skills, sudden dizziness, or a loss of equilibrium, vision problems in one eye or both eyes and an intense and sudden headache with no logical cause. It is important to recognize these signs, so that you can seek treatment immediately.

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What Are The Early Signs Of Stroke?


A stroke can be minor, or severe, and it is important to recognize the early symptoms for prevention and cure. Symptoms of stroke can differ from person to person, may occur suddenly and will develop gradually. You might experience trouble in walking, in keeping balance and staying coordinated. The other severe symptoms are loss of consciousness, complete paralysis on one side of the body and breathlessness, If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.


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Just Another Headache Or Are You Having A Stroke?



So, what is the difference between the symptoms of a ‘normal’ neck pain/headache vs one associated with a stroke? In some cases, not much! However, a stroke-related headache is often sudden, severe and unusual for that person. The tension-type ‘normal’ headache may be part of the patient’s long-term history, not severe or unusual, and not typically accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness.

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Stroke Awareness – How It Can Save Your Life


The reason stroke has become an epidemic because certain lifestyle changes over the past century have not supported the human body from working naturally. To help increase awareness just remember the acronym F.A.S.T. Check for these signs that are a strong indicator of a stroke – F stands for ‘Face Dropping’, A stands for ‘Arm Weakness’, S stands for ‘Speech Difficulty’, T stands for ‘Time to Call 9-1-1’. Timely detection can get immediate and urgent medical treatment avoiding medical complications.

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Stroke Risk Factors

New Study Finds Gut Bacteria Can Cause Heart Attacks And Stroke


A study recently released found that foods containing lecithin – such as eggs (especially egg yolk), dairy products, meats, soy products, and wheat germ are converted into chemical compounds known as Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) by gut bacteria. TMAO is an artery-clogging compound that affects the metabolism of cholesterol and may contribute to higher risks of cardiovascular disease and/or stroke.

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Natural Remedies For Stroke

Stroke Recovery: A Look At The Natural And Medical Remedies


From a natural perspective, Ginkgo biloba extract is key to stroke recovery. It increases blood flow to the brain, boosts energy within nerve cells, and favorably affects blood thickness. Several supplements can help prevent blood clots, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, grape seed and pine bark extracts, and garlic. Fish oil (up to 3,000 mg per day EPA + DHA) and flavonoid-rich extracts appear to be able to be used safely in combination with aspirin and other platelet inhibitors.

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