Stomach Upset? Try This Honey Recipe For A Happy Tummy

Recipe For A Happy Tummy
Recipe For A Happy Tummy

Here’s a simple recipe for your Happy Tummy. It preserves well and tastes delicious.

It is the perfect remedy for whenever you have an upset stomach or feel like you just haven’t digested a meal that well.


Here’s The Recipe

What You Require


  • Clean sterilized jar
  • Honey
  • Dried powdered herbs
  • Mixing spoon


The herbs need to be dried and finely powdered before mixed into the honey. If you use fresh herbs or spices in the honey, it will have a short shelf life. This medicinal honey recipe calls for dried, powdered herbs. Many herbs or spices can be powdered in your own kitchen using a blender or coffee grinder.

Some herbs and spices are too fluffy or too woody and need to be powdered with commercial grade equipment in order to break them down sufficiently. Also, you don’t really want your coffee grinder forever smelling like cumin. You can purchase powdered fennel, coriander and cumin at Mountain Rose Herbs.



The best honey to use is one that is local to where you live. Try to find a beekeeper in your area that sells honey and purchase honey that is raw and has not been heated. Some of the store bought honey is processed and heated and most commercial ones are not labeled with the information of whether they are cooked or not. When you buy honey from someone local, you can ask them what their processing methods are and if they heat the honey or not. Farmers markets are a great place to find a bulk source of local honey.


  • Measure out the coriander, cumin and fennel
  • Put the spices into a bowl and mix together well
  • Add honey to spices
  • Use a spoon to stir and mix well. Make sure the herbs are completely mixed into the honey.
  • Put the herbal honey into a jar, label it and store in a cabinet
  • Let sit for two weeks so the properties of the herbs can infuse into the honey
  • Sometimes the herbs settle a little and the honey needs another good stirring
  • After two weeks, your Happy Tummy Honey is ready to use!


Herbal honey is very stable. We keep several herbal honeys in the pantry and a few can be found on the kitchen table so they are conveniently added to breakfast. Because the honeys are made with all dried ingredients, they can easily last for one year outside of the refrigerator.


How Do You Consume It?

Stir one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Happy Tummy Honey into 1 cup hot water. Mix the honey into the water. Once it has cooled enough, you can drink it.Basically you are using the herbal honey to make an instant tea.

Benefits of Coriander, Cumin and Fennel

Cumin, coriander and fennel are all wonderful spices for helping to settle the stomach. Together they create a delicious flavor and make a wonderful tasting tea. These three healing spices help with indigestion, bloating and gas that can come from eating too fast, too much or the wrong food combination.


All three of these spices have a carminative action which means they help to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the digestive tract, enhancing digestion. This simple herbal honey tea will calm an upset stomach and help you to relax. You can also put a teaspoon of Happy Tummy Honey on your oatmeal to help you digest breakfast. You may also enjoy a cup of Happy Tummy Honey Tea after dinner to help you digest a heavy meal or just have a cup because it tastes so delicious.

However, if symptoms still persist do contact the doctor!
