9 Physical Pains And Aches Related To Stress And Emotions

It’s a well-researched and proven fact that our emotions have a direct effect on our physical health. Unhappiness breeds diseases. Happiness attracts good health. But, this fact has been overlooked by the Western medicine, which is why all allopathic medicines have side-effects. Often physical pain is not attributed to emotions and other subtle factors and hence the treatment is ineffective or causes adverse effects.

Studies have shown that chronic pain may not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotions. Specifically, people who have experienced trauma and suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are often at a higher risk to develop chronic pain.


Aches And Pains Associated With Stress And Emotions

Understanding how different thoughts and emotions are connected to pain in different parts of the body is crucial for our health. Here are 9 different pains and what each one means.

1. Headache

Headaches can occur due to stress


Headaches occur in everyone who has a head. Well almost. It’s one of the most common aches that people experience. The excessive amount of stress during the day often results in you experiencing bouts of headaches. But not all headaches are a result of stress. Various other factors also cause headaches. Quality relaxation such as meditation and certain foods and drinks can help relieve headaches.

2. Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is often associated with emotional baggage and burden


Shoulder pain is associated with emotional baggage and burden. If you are the one who shoulders responsibilities, then you may suffer from shoulder pain, occasionally or frequently. The best approach is to focus on the solutions for your problems and avoid pondering over the problem. Sharing your problems with friends and even seeking expert advice can help.

3. Neck Pain

Neck pain is connected to your inability to forgive others


Many people suffer from neck pain and it is often attributed to bad posture or incorrect pillow usage. But, neck pain can also occur due to emotional reasons as it is directly connected to the inability to forgive others. The pain felt in the neck can be a sign of guilt or resentment, which makes it hard to forgive. To alleviate the pain, instead of looking at what you hate in other people, look at their positive side. Also, try to focus on your own positive aspects.

4. Hand Pain

Selfishness is often thought to be the cause of pain in the hand


Emotions and negativity can also cause pain in the hands. When you experience hand pain, it may indicate that you are being selfish. It is important to be selfless sometimes. A small gesture of help or an act of charity helps improve your outlook towards life. Stay connected with your friends on a deeper level and try to give back more than you receive.

5. Upper Back Pain

Feelings of loneliness is usually the cause for upper back pain


Emotional loneliness, feeling unloved or alone are often related to upper back pain. It also indicates a lack of support from the ones you love. People who suffer from upper back pain often feel unappreciated and lack love in their life. Being kind and considerate makes you a loveable person and can alleviate feelings of loneliness. Go out on a date or meet old friends who matter to you.

6. Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is usually due to emotional stress related to financial matters


Besides bad posture and other physical problems, lower back pain can also occur due to emotional stress often related to financial matters. Better financial planning and improving your income can help solve the problem.

7. Elbow Pain

People who suffer from elbow pain often fear life changes

People who experience elbow pain often have a fear of life changes and alterations to their routine. Elbow pain indicates that it’s time to make some adjustments in your life. An overhaul of your routine lifestyle and incorporating a positive approach towards life can bring improvement. Make compromises whenever required to eliminate the elbow pain.

8. Hip Pain

Difficulty in taking decisions in life may cause pain in your hip region

From an emotional aspect, hip pain is generally related to fear. If you often experience difficulty in making some important decisions, you may suffer from hip pain. Pain in the hip is a sign that decisions and life changes make you feel uneasy. Take control of your life by making feasible and rational decisions. Meditation can increase your intuitive power and help you take better decisions. A positive mental attitude also helps you overcome your fears, which in many cases may be unfounded.

9. Knee Pain

People with a big ego often experience knee pain

People who experience knee pain often have a big ego or an inflated sense of self. A big ego is a burden for you and your knees have to bear your entire weight – emotional and physical. Knee pain is an indication that you must learn to be more humble. Trying to deflate your ego is not easy as you have built it up over many years. But, bearing in mind that we are all humans and meditating to understand your real self can help you reduce your ego and your knee pain. Consider being more generous to people around you and involve yourself in some charity work.