Natural Ways To Cure Pneumonia With Diet, Herbs, And Aromatherapy

Natural Ways To Cure Pneumonia

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that adopts a drug-free approach to disease prevention and treatment through exercise, diet control, massage, and more. When we put less emphasis on a “miracle cure” and take care of our overall health and potential for healing rather than the disease, we may successfully rid ourselves of much man-made suffering.

For a disease to manifest, there must first be an underlying factor allowing it to exist or take over. If we look beyond the diagnosis, we may be able to unmask the disease for what it is and how it expresses within the body.


Treating From Within

Herrings Law of Cure states that, “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed.” Also, according to an ancient Ayurvedic proverb, “If diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. If diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

The true cure begins when we remove the obstacles blocking good health and provide the correct environment for the whole to thrive. We can eliminate some of the causative factors that harm the body and create a diseased state by regulating the diet.


By eliminating foods and behaviors that trigger an inflammation response and cellular waste buildup, we let our bodies to auto-cleanse, build, and self-regulate without being so overtaxed. Our filtering organs – the lungs, large intestine, kidneys, liver, and skin – help to filter out toxins and debris so that we can best absorb the nutrients provided from solids, liquids, water and oxygen.

How To Deal With Pneumonia Naturally

Please note that you HAVE to seek medical attention if suffering from pneumonia. Bacteria and viruses that enter our lungs through breath cause pneumonia. Rx medication can provide the nutritional support, especially with viral pneumonia. It can also strengthens the body preventative measures.


The best thing to do in such cases is to support the immune and respiratory system. Keeping the body healthy and balanced will help it fight the infection better. A few natural ways to do so is given here:

1. Diet

  • Eliminate dairy, sugar, white flour, coffee, caffeinated tea, soda, and meat.
  • Drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated and keep the dietary intake simple.
  • Limit protein to fish, chicken, and turkey – baked or broiled.
  • Also, you can follow your blood type diet to reduce inflammation. Studies show that our ABO blood type has much to do with how foods affect our digestive and immune system.
  • Limit starchy foods to rice, corn, barley, and rye. Include a variety of vegetables, preferably raw.
  • Look for non-acid or low-acid fruits; avoid oranges and grapefruit.
  • Liquid chlorophyll from alfalfa provides the blood with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids while assisting the body to regulate pH levels.
  • Herbal teas are wonderful. Consume those that have an affinity for the respiratory tract such as lavender, lemon, peppermint, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, echinacea, elderberry, fennel, eucalyptus, fenugreek, and thyme.

Alkalizing pH Water Recipe


  • 1 tbsp of Himalayan salt
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 2 liters of purified or osmosis water
  • 1 glass jar


  1. Pour water into the glass jar.
  2. Cut the lemon in slices and add it to the water.
  3. Add pink Himalayan salt.
  4. Close the glass jar and leave it in room temperature for 12–24 hours.
  5. Consume on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and in between meals throughout the day.

2. Herbs

  • Probiotics like bifidophilus help build healthy gut flora and boost the immune system. When you’re building the body up, take probiotics on an empty stomach – between meals or before bed. Avoid drinking coffee after taking probiotics.
  • Ginger and capsicum can be combined for bronchial congestion. Ginger helps to expel phlegm, reduce inflammation, and relax muscle spasms. Dried ginger is more heating than fresh ginger. Use with caution if you have inflammatory skin conditions; peptic ulcers; or gastrointestinal inflammation such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and IBS.
  • If you haven’t already, it may be wise to replace black pepper with capsicum, also known as cayenne pepper. Studies show toxicity from black pepper upon the liver when heated.
  • Look toward liquid lobelia and capsicum to help relax the spinal column. Lobelia contains fairly high amounts of vitamins A and C and magnesium. This is not recommended for pregnant woman or those with heart complaints.
  • Olive leaf and colostrum are great for immune system support.
  • Colloidal silver is useful in creating an environment where bad bacteria cannot thrive without harming the good bacteria.
  • For viral pneumonia, herbal combinations consisting of dandelion, purslane, cinnamon twig, licorice, and ginseng may provide some symptom relief.

3. Aromatherapy

  • Tea tree or melaleuca, thyme, myrrh, and pine can be massaged on to the chest after a fever has broken.
  • Cardamom helps with respiratory and digestive ailments.

DIY Dry Cough Essential Oil Blend


  • 5 drops of peppermint
  • 4 drops of sandalwood
  • 3 drops of pine

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl of boiling water and inhale the aroma.


Homemade Cough Syrup

Place 6 cut white onions in double boiler and add ½ cup pure raw local honey. Cook slowly over a low fire for 2 hours and strain.
