8 Most Common Skin Problems During Pregnancy

Do you fall in that lucky lot category where your skin glows during pregnancy? Or are you that unlucky, your skin just erupts with all possible complications just because your hormones are playing havoc?

Pregnancy comes with its own set of problems. Hormonal change tops the chart and the result – obviously, the skin problems. Go easier on your skin, now that you are pregnant. The scrubs that you use might cause sensitivity, facials might cause pain, chemicals in creams may be dangerous to the fetus. Use natural products and chemical-free creams to avoid redness and other complications.


Your body goes through a lot during pregnancy and the skin is no exception. There are many skin problems which might erupt and these eight are the most common ones.

8 Most Common Skin Problems During Pregnancy

1. Acne

If acne was haunting your adolescence – chances are – they will haunt you again during pregnancy. Skin eruptions/acne are common during pregnancy. The horrific eruptions will fade away after delivery. Although they may not be as severe as your adolescence, you might still need some cleansing rituals.


Don’t use any harsh abrasive scrubs as your skin will be too sensitive during pregnancy. Mild scrubs could help you in clearing the oily pores and act well on your skin. Anti-acne prescription drugs like Accutane and Retin-A are not intended for use during pregnancy as it might lead to birth defects.

Cleaning, toning, and moisturizing are the three most effective ways to reduce acne. Don’t pick or squeeze the acne. Keep repeating this routine to control acne eruptions.


2. Stretch Marks

Horrified listening to stories about stretch marks? Welcome to the pregnancy world. When the body grows too quickly, it is at risk for stretch marks. The fetus is growing inside exponentially and puts you on stretch marks risk. Not all pregnant ladies get stretch marks, so if you are lucky enough, you might not go through this skin problem at all.

To avoid stretch marks, thoroughly moisturize and massage your growing belly, hips, stomach, legs, arms, thighs, and boobs with vitamin E oil or olive oil. There are no proven results to help remove stretch marks completely, although they help to a certain extent.


3. Dry Skin

While some of you might be battling out stretch marks and skin eruptions, others might be struggling with dry skin. But, if you are very unlucky and are going through all the skin problems during pregnancy – our sympathies.

Drinking a lot of fluids keep your body well hydrated. Don’t drink a lot of water just before bedtime to avoid bathroom breaks in the night that might disturb your sleep. Also, try using a humidifier in the bedroom when you sleep to help keep the moisture. If you feel very itchy and dry, take a warm oatmeal bath. It helps!


4. Mask Of Pregnancy

Increased level of melanin during pregnancy is responsible for this blotchy tan. Blame your hormones again. This is commonly called the ‘mask of pregnancy’ or Chloasma. The darkening of the skin in gray or brown patches usually on forehead, cheeks, and chin is seen. Hormones – estrogen and progesterone stimulate the melanin cells in your skin that produce pigment. The cells don’t produce extra pigment uniformly and the result is ‘mask of pregnancy’.

It cannot be prevented but can be minimized. Getting out in the sun could intensify the blotches. Apply sunblock which contains zinc and titanium even during limited exposure to the sun.


5. Spider Veins

The tiny, squiggly red or purple capillaries below the surface of the skin becomes visible during pregnancy. Since they resemble small spider web, it’s called spider veins. Spider veins on the legs or torso may not go away on their own. You need a dermatologist to remove them using injections if you feel that’s necessary. Sometimes the skin might throb or itch. Your feet might feel heavy and achy. The symptoms might get aggravated if you have been on your feet the whole day.

6. Skin Tags

The hyperactive growth of superficial layer of skin causes skin tags. They are harmless flaps of tissue that hang off the skin. Commonly found on chest, neck, under the breast, and in private parts. They might appear at the later stage of pregnancy. Hormonal changes and the skin friction due to pregnancy weight gain are the main causes of skin tags.


7. Heat Rash

Excessive perspiration, overheat in the body, and friction of skin rubbing against each other due to weight gain are the reasons for heat rash. They may cause itching and discomfort. The crease between and beneath the breast, inner thighs, and pubic area are the most affected area. Avoid perfumes, harsh soaps, and lotions. Take warm water baths, and wear loose-fitting clothes to avoid itching and perspiration.

8. Itchiness

You should probably not itch the pregnant belly, as it might cause scars on your stomach after delivery. If your skin is dry and flaky, your itchiness might increase. Avoid using harsh skin lotions which might not be good for your fetus. Use natural virgin olive oil in your diet, drink lots of water, apply aloe vera gel, or other creams after consulting your medical practitioner.