9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

A sinus infection can make it hard to focus on daily activities. If you get them often, you know how painful they can be! Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent them from coming back. These habits also double as a treatment for existing flare ups. By following these nine lifestyle changes, you can help improve your sinus health once and for all.

9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Sinus

1. Exercise Regularly

Aerobic exercise is great for relieving the tension that causes sinus headaches. But do start slow, because intense physical activity might just make it worse.1 Exercise, in general, will also boost your immunity, giving you protection from future flare-ups.


Exercise: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

2. Inhale Steam

Keeping your nose moist is important for reducing stuffiness. It can also soothe discomfort from an infection. Make it a habit of inhaling steam 2 to 4 times a day, even if it’s just in the shower.2 For even more relief, add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil.


Inhale Steam: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

3. Use A Humidifier

If you’re prone to sinus infections, a humidifier is a good prevention tool.3 It will keep the air moist, especially during the winter months when the heater is on. But don’t forget to clean it regularly to avoid mold growth.


Humidifier: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

4. Stay Hydrated

The healthy habit of drinking enough water will help thin mucus secretions and buildup. It will help your sinuses drain existing mucus.4 Simply staying hydrated will also keep your immune system healthy.


Stay Hydrated: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

5. Avoid Smoking

Cigarette smoke can increase the risk of developing a sinus infection. If you already have one, smoking will only worsen your symptoms. After all, your nasal passage and lungs won’t like it very much!5 Even if you don’t smoke, you should stay away from passive smoking.


Avoid Smoking: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

6. Eat A Sinus-Friendly Diet

Take note of trigger foods and avoid them when possible. You should also skip dairy and dairy products, both of which cause mucus production.6 Alcohol and caffeine can also stress out the body, making you more susceptible to sinus infections.7 Instead, fuel up on fruits and vegetables to help your immune system flourish.


Sinus-friendly Food: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

7. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Aside from preventing many chronic diseases, having a healthy weight can limit your symptoms. Obesity, has actually been linked to self-reported sinus problems.8 This can be done by focusing on a well-rounded diet and being physically active.


Maintain Healthy Weight: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection

8. Stack More Pillows

Keeping your head slightly elevated will help drain your sinuses. This is a simple habit that can limit stuffiness and congestion.9 Even sleeping on just two pillows can make a difference.

Stack Pillows: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection9. Wash Your Hands

Catching a cold can cause mucus buildup, leading to bacterial growth and sinus pain.10 Make it a habit of washing your hands whenever you eat, go to the bathroom, or use public transportation. For best results, scrub your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.11

Wash Hands: 9 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent And Treat A Sinus Infection
Pay attention to your body on a daily basis. If something causes a sinus infection, take note and try to avoid it. Along with these habits, you can maintain your sinus health.
