7 Interesting Facts About the Female Body

A female reproductive system holds an aura of mystery. No amount of study can explain this incredible system. The scientific investigations about women’s reproductive tracts leave you with a lot of amazing aspects. Here are 7 such interesting facts about the female body.

1.Ultra-Elastic Uterus



The uterus enlarges exponentially during pregnancy and pushes other organs out of their places. As you reach full term, your uterus extends from the pubic area to the bottom of your rib cage. From a small organ of 3 inches long and 2 inches wide, the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby. The ultra-elastic uterus is, thus, a miracle of the female body.

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2.Vaginal Acidity


Your vagina has the same pH level of common beer! A healthy vaginal pH is 3.5 to 4.5, well into the acidic range. The presence of good bacteria is behind this acidic environment. The vagina is predominately colonized with lactobacillli, a group of lactic acid-producing bacteria, thereby, keeping the level of vaginal pH low. This creates a hostile environment for bad bacteria, protecting your vagina from infection and irritation.


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3. Overhyped Hymen



The hymen was synonymous with virginity for a long time. It is a membrane that surrounds the external vaginal opening. The hymen may rip or tear during the first sexual intercourse. However, that is not the only cause for its absence. The hymen can also break or stretch because of various other reasons like physical exercise or disease. Hence, the hymen does not have anything to do with your virginity.

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4. G-Spot Reality


The G-spot is allegedly a highly sensitive area on the anterior wall of the vagina. Many women have said that G-spot orgasm is a reality. However, these are not backed up by subsequent anatomic and biochemical studies. So, for now, it remains as a modern gynecologic myth.


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5.Uterus Didelphys



Some women are born with not one, but two uteruses. This is a rare congenital abnormality called uterus didelphys. The uterus develops as two small tubes in a female fetus and later, the tubes are joined to form the womb. Sometimes each tube develops into separate structures, thus, creating a double uterus. This condition usually does not stop women from having normal sex lives, pregnancies, and deliveries. However, for a small group of women, the condition may lead to complications.

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How is your due date calculated? You know that it is measured starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. That means, the counting begins about two weeks before you have even conceived. Thus, the first day of your LMP is considered day 1 of pregnancy, even though you are not pregnant. This is because most of the time women are not sure of the day they conceive. But, their last period is something they can recollect. Moreover, the date of conception may not be the same date you had intercourse. The sperm can live inside your body for as long as five days and conception could happen up to five days after intercourse.

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Your clitoris has at least 8000 sensory nerve endings, double the nerve endings in the glands of a penis. It is a source of intense pleasure for many women. It varies in size and shape and grows during a woman’s lifetime due to the hormonal changes happening in the body. After menopause, the clitoris can become seven times larger than it was at birth. More interestingly, according to a research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the size and location of the clitoris may affect your ability to reach orgasm.

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As medical science expands its research into the reproductive system, we will get to know more about it. But, one thing is for sure, there will be no dearth of fascinating facts.