8 Tips On How To Take Care Of Yourself

how to take care of yourself

Adulting is not just about shouldering huge responsibilities and occasionally burning the midnight oil to get that work project rolling. Adulting is about knowing how to take care of yourself because, let’s face it, nothing is more valuable than your health and happiness of mind. Here’s a checklist for you to find out if you are indeed taking good care of yourself. If not, get started now.

1. Have Breakfast Every Day

Have breakfast every day


Most of us lead a tightly scheduled life. You tend to skip breakfast thinking you could save time or you aren’t feeling hungry. Or maybe you find it bothersome. But the truth is your body has just woken from a fast of more than 10 hours. Just by not eating breakfast, you are slowing down your metabolism, making your stress hormones hit the roof, and increasing your chances of heart diseases, weight gain, and diabetes. Also, because you’re low on nutrients, you could feel irritated and tired throughout the day. So, make sure you do grab a bowl of oatmeal before heading out that door.

2. Snack Healthy

Snack on high-fiber and low-calorie foods.


Everybody loves sneaking in a snack here and there. While it’s perfectly normal to tend to your grumbling tummy between meals, a lot of people rely on junk food to satisfy themselves. Snacking on potato chips, packaged cookies, and fast food are some of the unhealthiest things you could do to your body. They are high in trans fat (the worst type of fat) that causes a rise in your LDL (bad) cholesterol level and lowers your HDL (good) cholesterol level. This combination could lead to heart diseases. When picking a snack, aim for something high in fiber and low in calories.

3. Eat Fruits And Vegetables Daily

Eat 1 whole fruit and 2 cups of vegetables every day.


If you aren’t eating at least 1 whole fruit and 2 cups of veggies a day, you will be prone to several vitamin deficiencies and digestive issues. You would also be increasing your chances of cardiovascular diseases. You need these vitamins for wound healing, to keep your skin and hair healthy, to support blood clotting, to maintain bone strength, and a ton of other important reasons.

One study claims that 87% of Americans don’t meet the required amount of fruit consumption, and a staggering 91% don’t meet the required amount of vegetable consumption.1


Try to aim for 2 fistfuls of veggies for lunch and dinner. They are as important as water for your body.

4. Be Physically Active

Be physically active.


If you are more on the couch than you are moving around, your body would tend to get weaker. Even climbing just a flight of stairs could drain out your energy, leaving you gasping for breath. Your muscles would grow weak and your bones become brittle, increasing chances of osteoporosis. Signs of aging can hit you sooner. When you frequently exercise, you become a more active person and you feel great in your body and mind. Exercising outdoors, like running long distances, can prove to give better benefits than doing it indoors. You feel positive and you feel less irritated and tense. If you want to start running, here are a few tips for beginners.

5. Drink Enough Water

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.


Hydration is very important for proper body functioning. If you aren’t drinking enough water, you could get tired frequently, your metabolism slows down, your blood sugar level goes high, and you could develop early signs of aging. It also helps to flush out toxins from the body.

While the American standard is about 8 glasses (8 oz each) of water a day, how much water you need could depend on your age, sex, level of physical activities, and your environment. But remember not to overhydrate; drinking too much water too frequently has side effects.


Finding it difficult to drink just plain water? Add a few slices of fruit or a few leaves to it. Experiment with cucumber, lemon, mint, or basil.

6. Maintain Personal Hygiene

Keep yourself clean.

Proper personal hygiene is very important to keep yourself healthy. Brushing your teeth twice and flossing, taking a shower daily, wearing clean clothes, and washing your hands after you are done with your bathroom break are all markers of a good personal hygiene routine. You feel great, and people around you feel the same about you.

7. Sleep For At Least 7 Hours Every Night

Sleep for at least 7 hours every night.

Adequate sleep is vital for every person. If you aren’t spending enough time for a well-deserved sleep, your body becomes tired and it becomes difficult to do even simple activities. Here’s what happens when you don’t get enough sleep. Don’t be too tough on yourself, get a good night’s sleep. You earned it. Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep every night.

8. Pamper Yourself To Destress

Get an occasional pedicure or massage to relax.

Sometimes, trying to manage your life can get you off the real track – focusing on “you.” Always try to make time for yourself, even if it is just half an hour a day. Take a pedicure, get massages, read a book, listen to your favorite music, watch a movie – do what you think makes you feel calm and relaxed. Otherwise, with your mounting stress levels, you will soon face a burnout. Pampering yourself helps to bring positivity in your life. You feel less stressed and happier with yourself and the people around you.
