How To Measure Your Goals?

If you want to improve your quality of life, set goals. It can enhance everything from your physical health to mental happiness! Your self-confidence will also improve.

To make new achievements, you need to learn how to measure goals. This will help you gauge how much you’ve improved.


Of course, measuring a goal will be different for everyone. Each person – and goal – is unique. Even the steps along the way will be different. There isn’t one right way but there are techniques that can guide you.

These five steps explain how you can evaluate goals and success.


5 Steps To Evaluate Goals And Success

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1. Identify Your Goals

First Identify Your Goals To Evaluate Your Goals


If you’re wondering how to measure goals, start by identifying them. This is the most important part.

Having a hard time choosing goals? Think about areas of your life that you’d like to change. It can involve anything from work to personal matters. Health goals like doing more yoga or eating more veggies are great places to start.


Don’t be afraid of dreaming big. If you’ve always wanted to run a marathon, go for it. You’ll be starting small first.

Write down your goals. It can be in your journal, a sketchbook, or a simple sticky note. If you’d like a daily reminder, put it on your refrigerator or laptop.


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2. Assess Your Current Status

Assess Your Current Status To Evaluate Goals


In order to measure progress, you need to know where you stand. It’ll double as the starting line.

Compare it to your end goal. Take note of the space in between and the actions you need to take. But don’t be discouraged if it’s a long way off. The point of measuring goals is to help you achieve them.


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3. Set Small Targets

Set Small Targets To Evaluate Goals

Every big achievement is made up of multiple smaller steps. So, measuring a goal will be easier when you set multiple doable targets. It’ll make things more practical and less intimidating. Small targets are like the ingredients in a recipe. Eventually, they’ll add up to something great.

Break down your goal into steps, starting at your current status. Each one should present a new challenge and be a little harder than the one before it. They should become more advanced as the steps go on.

For example, let’s say you don’t eat vegetables. Your goal is to eat five servings of vegetables a day. Start by finding veggies that you like, then experiment with recipes. Learn how you can incorporate them into your favorite meals. Your first target can be to eat one serving every day for one week. After that, your next goal can be to eat two servings daily. From there, you can slowly increase your intake each week.

Every time you check off a small target, you’ll feel motivated to continue.

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4. Assign Measurements

Assign Measurements To Evaluate Goals

In order to measure progress toward a goal, you need a unit of measurement. This should be something that’s countable like push-ups or minutes walked.

If your goal is to learn something new, each new skill can be a unit of measurement. Every lesson or level can also count.

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5. Choose A Deadline

Choose A Deadline To Evaluate Goals

To ensure success, you need deadlines. They place pressure on you – in a good way. Deadlines will motivate you to finish each small step. Otherwise, it’ll be tempting to procrastinate.

Each deadline is also like a periodic review date. It gives you a chance to check your progress and adjust things as needed. Without deadlines, it’ll be hard to know when you should measure your advancement.

Over time, all those deadlines will build up. It’s important to be realistic with yourself the entire time. Measuring goals will let you see how far you’ve come. It’ll feel amazing in the end!