How To Improve Vaginal Dryness Naturally

Vaginal dryness could cause problems to your sex life

Ladies, are you dealing with a dry vagina? It can seriously dampen your sex life, so the concern is totally valid. The soreness, burning, and itching just makes matters worse.

Often, vaginal dryness is caused by a drop in estrogen. This hormone is vital for lubrication! It maintains collagen and elastic fibers that moisturize the vaginal tissue. Estrogen also promotes secretions, helping you feel comfortable “down there.” But when there’s not enough? Vaginal dryness is likely.


Estrogen is the standard treatment, but it’s not the best choice for everyone. Many women actually stray away because of its link to venous thromboembolism, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. If you’re one of those people, take time to learn about the other options.1 2

Causes Of Vaginal Dryness

1. Menopause

Menopause has been known to cause vaginal dryness


Estrogen takes a nosedive during menopause. This can bring on vaginal dryness, making sex super painful. The vagina also starts to thin out.

A woman is in menopause when she doesn’t have a period for 12 months straight. For most females, it takes place between 45 and 55 years of age. However, symptoms like vaginal dryness might show up earlier. The drop in estrogen may also spark hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, trouble sleeping, and concentration issues.3 4


2. Childbirth And Breastfeeding

Childbirth and breastfeeding cause vaginal dryness

The postpartum period is a stressful time. It doesn’t help the situation if estrogen also drops after childbirth and if you choose to breastfeed. Plus, the longer you breastfeed, the longer vaginal dryness will linger.5


3. Medicine

Some hormonal medication can cause dryness in the vagina

Some medications can also lead to vaginal dryness. Specifically, hormonal drugs that treat breast cancer, endometriosis, fibroids, or infertility are common causes. If you’re concerned, talk to your doctor about potential side effects.6


4. Diabetes

Women with type 1 diabetes can have frequent vaginal dryness

Estrogen isn’t the only factor. In diabetes, the continuous high blood glucose may eventually lead to nerve damage. It affects roughly 60 to 70% of diabetics.7


In women, this may hinder vaginal stimulation and lead to dryness. In fact, 18% of females with type 1 diabetes will experience sexual problems. About 42% of type 2 diabetics have it. And dryness can also be related to other issues like pain during intercourse and little to no sexual desire.8

Natural Treatment For Vaginal Dryness

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D heals and repairs the epithelial tissue of the vaginal wall


Did you know that vitamin D helps repair the epithelial tissue? This includes the vaginal wall, making it a possible treatment for dryness. Specifically, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol) may be the answer.

In a 2004 study, 30 postmenopausal women received calcitriol supplements and another 30 received a placebo. The first group saw a significant improvement in vaginal symptoms.9 10

2. Sea Buckthorn Oil

The oil extracted from buckthorn oil is used to treat inflammation

In Central Asia, sea buckthorn oil is used to treat inflammation of the reproductive organs. As a capsule, it can do wonders for vaginal dryness! A 2014 study saw this effect after postmenopausal women consumed sea buckthorn oil capsules. This remedy is also used for dry and irritated skin, proving its power as a natural lubricant.11 12 13

3. Black Cohosh

This wonder herb helps with menopausal symptoms

According to a 2012 study, black cohosh can improve menopausal symptoms, which include vaginal dryness! Hot flashes and night sweats may also be reduced. Even if you’re not going through menopause, black cohos will still help.14

Like most herbs, black cohosh is available in capsules, tablets, extracts, tea, and liquid tincture. Don’t confuse it with blue cohosh, a totally different herb.15

As always, check with your doctor before trying these remedies, especially if you’re taking any drugs.
