5 Easy Steps To Grow And Harvest Cucumbers At Home

how to grow cucumbers at home

A place to live without some greenery is not alive enough! If you would love to have your own oxygen banks in your apartment or villa, grow a vegetable garden. Having your personal veggie garden can not only give you a newfound appreciation for Mother Nature but also give you more control over what you eat.

The store bought ones are usually loaded with fertilizers and pesticides which can be harmful to your health in the long run. A vegetable garden is not only a cost-effective decision but also an investment that can be healthy for you and your family in the long run.


Many herbs, leafy greens, and vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers are very convenient to cultivate at home. Here’s how you can grow green and juicy cucumbers right at home.

1. Choose The Right Spot Or Container

cucumber grows in summer


Cucumbers love the sun. It’s recommended that you sow the seeds in the summer months. Find a spot that gets at least 6—8 hours of sunlight daily. If you are using a container go for any wide-mouthed pot with a diameter of 18—24 inches in diameter. Bigger pots are good for the luscious growth of the cucumber as they tend to spread a lot. You can even place a 2 feet long stick in the pot for that additional support for your vining plant.1

2. Prepare The Soil

the right soil for cucumber


The soil used should be specific for fruiting vegetables. Garden soil will have unwanted weed seedlings and bacteria that can hinder the growth of your cucumber.  Make sure to mix organic fertilizers like worm meal or fish fertilizer in the soil you are using. This will ensure that your plant gets a balanced mix of minerals like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.

3. Sow The Seeds Right

how to sow cucumber seeds


Now that the container and soil are ready, sow the seeds at one-inch depth into the soil. Each seed should be placed about 6 inches away from one another to provide ample space for roots. Cover the seeds with soil and water them just enough to moist the soil.

4. Water And Maintain The Plants

common pests of cucumber plants


Never miss out on watering your cucumber plants if you want a good yield. It’s also recommended to add fertilizers to the soil every 10 days. As the plants grow, you can see uninvited guests like cucumber beetles, mildew, and bacterial wilt attacking them. These pests can be brought under control by using a baking soda or neem oil spray.

Lots of sunlight can prevent mildew formation. Prune the leaves or flowers affected by wilt in order to prevent spreading. As as far the beetles are concerned, remove them from the plants in the early mornings.2


5. Harvest And Storage Of Cucumbers

harvest and storage of cucumbers

A long growing season of 50—70 days is needed for your cucumber plant to be ready for harvest. Picking the fruits in the right time will ensure that you have a crisp and delicious yield. It’s best to harvest about 10 days after the flowers bloom.


If the cucumbers start to yellow, it means they have crossed their prime and are more likely to taste bitter. Always cut them above the stalk to promote new growth bud formation. Store them in loose, perforated bags after picking for not more than 3 days.

Homegrown veggies are much safer and cheaper than the ones at the grocery store. Go on and try growing this refreshing summer veggie in your living space.
