The Ultimate Guide To Boosting Your Metabolism

How to increase your metabolism.

Metabolism has always been a hot topic and there are no points for guessing why! A high metabolic rate can boost immunity, assist weight loss, and keep you strong and healthy! While genetics do matter, with the right foods and habits, you can increase your metabolism and maintain it.

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the body's energy-burning process.


Most people know metabolism as an energy-burning process. While it’s true, there’s a lot more to it. Metabolism also removes toxic substances, absorbs nutrients, and maintains cell function. When your metabolism is healthy, so is your body.1 2

How To Increase Metabolism

To support metabolism through diet and lifestyle, check out these few tips.


1. Don’t Skip Your Breakfast

Skipping breakfast reduces your metabolic rate.

If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t skip meals (especially your breakfast) as it isn’t a healthy way to restrict calories. Think of it this way: metabolism needs fuel! And breakfast is the most important as it controls the thermic (“fat burning”) effect. In fact, skipping breakfast is associated with weight gain, poor glucose control, and high blood cholesterol – the exact opposite of what you want.3


2. Eat Fiber And Protein

Include seafood, nuts, fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Instead of forgoing your meals completely, focus on eating right. Remember to include protein and fiber – two nutrients that increase satiety and prevent overeating – in your diet. Healthy sources of lean protein include beans, skinless poultry, or seafood. Fiber can be found in whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.


3. Choose Complex Carbs

Choose brown rice over white bread.

In place of simple refined carbs like white bread, choose complex carbs like brown rice. Simple carbs are broken down much faster, causing a quicker spike in blood sugar and insulin secretion. It’s a setup for type 2 diabetes.4 As an added bonus, complex carbs have more fiber. It’s a win-win!


4. Manage Stress

Learn to manage stress better.

Make stress relief a priority! Chronic stress increases levels of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. This disrupts the body’s ability to metabolize energy and control blood glucose. Even immunity takes a hit, so you’ll be more vulnerable to infections.5 Stress upsets every aspect of metabolism. Take care of it by focusing on exercise, eating well, and doing things you love. If you cannot meditate or perform breathing exercises effectively, try fun stress-relieving activities like mandala drawing.


5. Do Yoga

Yoga relieves stress and increases metabolism.

Add yoga to the list of stress-relieving habits. Yoga stabilizes the nervous system and keeps you calm. Over time, practicing yoga will improve your metabolic efficiency, according to a 2008 study in the International Journal of Yoga.6 Are you new to yoga? Start with simpler yoga asanas before moving onto complicated ones that demand more expertise.


6. Stay Active

Physical activity increases metabolism.

Inactivity negatively affects energy balance, insulin levels, and weight control. It also skyrockets the risk of chronic diseases.7 Meanwhile, physical activity, whether it’s walking or tennis, is a wonderful way to boost metabolism. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, 5 days a week.

7. Lift Weights

Muscle burns more calories than fat cells.

Don’t forget about building muscle. Compared to fat cells, muscle cells burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re at rest. Your metabolism will thrive.8 There’s no need to become a bodybuilder. Strength-training exercises can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands, and even books.

As you can see, these habits aren’t new discoveries. It’s nothing more than living a well-rounded lifestyle. Over the course of time, you’ll be on the road to better metabolism.
