How Long Should You Exercise Daily To Stay Healthy

Modern day lifestyle and stress has a huge negative impact on our health. So, experts from the healthcare industry suggest that we include regular exercises into our routine to counter these negative effects. But, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym. New studies have shown that dedicating just a few minutes every day for physical exercises can ensure overall good health. Read on to find out how much exercise is actually required for you to stay healthy.

How Long Should You Ideally Exercise?

Allocating 20 minutes each day greatly benefits your health


A study that was conducted on people belonging to 17 different countries from various social strata found that higher recreational and non-recreational physical activity was associated with a lower risk of mortality and cardiovascular diseases. The study also concluded that just 150 minutes of exercise per week was associated with a graded reduction in mortality.1 This amounts to just over 20 minutes of exercise a day or 30 minutes of exercise for five days a week.

So, just by allocating 20 minutes each day specifically for exercises, you can live longer and prevent life-threatening diseases. Now, that’s not too much to ask. Moreover, regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and make you more health conscious, which collectively have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Research findings show that regular aerobic activity helps people who have coronary heart disease and may also reduce the risk of a second heart attack in people who have already suffered from heart attacks.2


How Exercise Benefits Physical And Mental Health

Regular exercise helps improve physical and mental health

There is no doubt that exercises benefit both physical and mental health among people of all ages, races, and sexes. Studies show that physically active adults are at lower risk for depression and declines in cognitive function as they get older. Even physically active children and teens display fewer symptoms of depression than their peers. Physical activity also reduces your risk for many diseases, such as coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes, and cancer, and is beneficial for your heart and lungs.3


Research shows that exercise can improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and improvs self-esteem and cognitive function. It also alleviates symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal and helps patients with schizophrenia as they are vulnerable to obesity associated with antipsychotic medications.4 Many studies have found that exercise and physical activity can prevent or delay the onset of different mental disorders and that it has therapeutic benefits.5

Can Domestic Chores Replace Exercise?

Can Domestic Chores Replace Exercise


Exercise does not necessarily mean spending hours on the treadmill or hitting the gym twice a day. Even regular household chores amount to physical activity and can burn calories. However, they cannot replace exercises. Physical activities or exercises that get your heart-pumping can have immense stress-reducing benefits.

During exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins (a hormonal compound made by the body in response to pain or extreme physical exertion), which interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your sensation of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.


So, it is crucial that you move around as much as possible and avoid sitting constantly for extended durations. For instance, cycle to the supermarket instead of driving, or use the stairs instead of the elevator. Engaging in regular heart-pumping, muscle-flexing exercise offers you numerous health benefits.

Exercises are a great way to improve your mood and helps you release stress caused due to lifestyle and food habits. So, although household activities qualify as a mild form of exercise, they cannot be compensated for a sophisticated fitness regime.


Exercises Help You Connect Socially

Group exercises allow you to meet new people and explore your social role

Gymming sessions, yoga classes, running groups, cycling communities, and other forms of exercise routines are not just meant to sweat it out. You get to meet like-minded people and can forge new relationships. Exercise gives you an opportunity for a social outlet and a sense of community.


Since humans are social animals, being with people is crucial as it often brings happiness. From children to adults, everyone can benefit from involving in group games and activities. So, even if it is just for a little over 20 minutes, it can add years to your life.
