25 Herbs For A Healthy Body, Mind, And Spirit

21. Lavender

The soothing effects of this plant helps ease stress and promote sleep. Lavender can reduce bloating and stop itching and swelling of the skin.



22. Burdock

Burdock is used as a supplement to fight bacteria and inflammation. People take burdock to increase urine flow, reduce fever, and “purify” their blood.



23. Astragalus

Astragalus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The main use has been to boost the body’s immune system. But it also has been used to treat other conditions, including heart disease.


24. Schizandra

Schizandra berries can be eaten or they can be consumed in the form of supplements. Schizandra is well-known for its anti-aging properties.


25. Calendula

Calendula is one of the best herbs for treating local skin problems. It may be used safely wherever there is an inflammation on the skin. It can also be used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
