Here’s How Cassava Can Help Treat Cancer And Infertility

Cassava Root To Treat Cancer And Infertility

The cassava plant (also known as manioc) is a popular plant originating from South America. This plant was used extensively in their cuisine to make breads and a special kind of drink. However, apart from its culinary uses, cassava has several amazing health benefits that are only now coming to light. The two main areas where cassava is appearing to be particularly useful, is in cancer treatment and treatment for infertility. Both the cassava root and its leaves are packed with nutrients that offer countless benefits. Here’s why you should seriously consider adding cassava to your diet.

It’s One Of The Best Sources Of Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 Is A Powerful Cancer-Killer


Vitamin B17 is a powerful cancer-fighting compound. Once you ingest this vitamin, it can combine with the cancer enzymes and actually kill the cell. Cassava roots are an important source of vitamin B17. What’s more astounding, the surrounding cells within the tumor were also affected and were destroyed. Eating plenty of cassava roots can protect you from cancer and shrink the size of tumors if you’re already suffering from the disease.

Cassava Root For Increased Fertility

Cassava Is Important For Female Fertility


Cassava roots were long in use by indigenous South American cultures as a remedy for infertility. They were even claimed to help a woman become pregnant with twins. While this quality hasn’t been scientifically verified, the Yoruba women who eat plenty of cassava do have many sets of twins. Recent studies show that cassava roots can in fact increase fertility levels (although they’re not so sure about the twins part). They have found that some of the compounds in cassava can actually trigger hyper-ovulation. Cassava is also available in the form of a supplement. Consult with your doctor and start taking them if you want to increase your chances of conceiving. Who know, you might even become pregnant with twins!

Other Health Benefits Of Cassava

Cassava Decreases Cholesterol And Treats Anemia

Tapioca is extracted from the cassava plant and has been found to be very effective in the treatment of various conditions. Eating it while pregnant is said to prevent the fetus from developing birth defects. It can also lower your overall cholesterol levels, protecting you from heart disease. Cassava can even increase your red blood cell count. If you’re struggling with anemia or fatigue, adding cassava to your diet can help you improve. Cassava contains several essential minerals that increase mineral density in your bones. This keeps your bones strong, healthy and protects them from breakage. It’s a low-calorie, high-fiber food so it can also help you lose weight.

The leaves of the cassava plant come with their own set of health benefits. The leaves are a rich source of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Eating them regularly will keep your skin looking healthy and prevent macular degeneration. They also contain protein, if you’re on the look-out for plant-sources of good quality protein. The roots of the cassava plant are rich in calcium and vitamin C.

How To Use Cassava

Ingest It As A Capsule, As Part Of Your Meals Or As A Juice

Cassava can be found as a supplement which you can take when needed. However, you might not get all the nutrients from the plant available in the supplement form. If you’d rather eat the plant, here’s how you can cook it. Cassava contains a small amount of cyanide, so always cook it properly before eating it. You can peel the cassava root and boil it for a tasty vegetarian side. You can also drink it as a juice. Soak cassava in water overnight in the fridge. The next morning, strain the cassava and drink the water alone. You can mix the water with some fruit juice or honey to make it more palatable. Drink this solution every day on an empty stomach. You can even eat tapioca, which is derived from cassava, to make use of its many health benefits.