The Good And Bad About Co-Sleeping With Your Baby


Co-Sleeping as a healthy practice is still under debate in the United States. While co-sleeping is adopted in many cultures around the globe, the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is what is more concerning for parents. Many parents find it convenient and comforting when the baby is sleeping right next to them. As for the babies and toddlers, the feeling of security is evident if the mother is close by. The cons, however, also depend on the lifestyle habits and sleeping preferences of parents. As this discussion goes on, let’s look at the pros and cons of sleeping next to your baby.

The Good Thing About Co-Sleeping

The Baby Feels Secure

Your baby is still small and dependent on you. Co-sleeping helps you to keep an eye on them. As moms are familiar on how often babies wake up in the middle of the night, they just need to be there beside them, to attend to the baby quickly, and soothe them back to sleep.


Easy Breastfeeding

This brings us to another benefit that is night feeding. Co-sleeping also gives the mother a benefit of breastfeeding at night. This way you can also avoid being fully awake to feed the baby and breaking away from your sleep. There is no denying that the risk of SIDS does increase with co-sleeping. But, as an alert mother, one is aware of the presence of baby consciously as well as subconsciously. Easy breastfeeding at night means a good milk supply. It also encourages longer periods of breastfeeding, over a course of months, which only benefits the baby.

Helps With Parent-Child Bonding

Spending more time in the proximity of the baby helps contribute to strong bonding. Sleeping with the baby is also comforting for both the parents—creating a sense of security such that, in case the need be, they are all close and together. Your baby also needs you close at night, and may cry if placed far from you in the cot.


The Bad Part Of Co-Sleeping

Risk Of Dozing Off On the Couch

As is obvious, sleeping alongside the baby, even dozing off on a chair or sofa while breastfeeding can increase the risk of SIDS. If you feel sleepy, it is always better to change your place to a comfortable place and position—co-sleeping on a large bed.

Baby Mustn’t Sleep In The Middle

Never make your baby sleep in between you and your partner. The risks only increase that way. Put your baby to sleep on one side, protected by a guardrail with a plastic mesh, to avoid them from rolling over or finding themselves getting stuck in gaps and crevices. Remove the pillows or blankets from their vicinity. Avoid using electric blankets, and hot water bottles when sleeping with the baby.


When To Avoid Co-Sleeping

In case you are too exhausted, on sedative drugs like painkillers, or have consumed alcohol, avoid co-sleeping with your baby. It may be tough for some parents, who may also find it difficult to sleep if the baby kicks or squirms at night. Co-sleeping may affect the intimacy between couples, in some cases. Also, for obvious reasons, it is better not to allow an elder sibling to sleep with the baby who is under 9 months of age.

Difficult To Change Habits

Co-sleeping increases love and bonding between parents and their kids. However, when the children are old enough, it becomes difficult to change their sleeping habits, if they are accustomed to sleeping with the parents.


Many parents co-sleep with their babies until they are 2-years old. Others prefer a cot or crib to keep them close if not in the same bed. With caution, co-sleeping can be adopted for its benefits over cons. Considering the risks and benefits involved, in the end, it is up to the parents to decide what is best for them and most importantly, for their baby.
