5 Foods For A Low-Carbohydrate And Low-Sugar Breakfast

low-carb and low-sugar foods for breakfast

The idea of breakfast being the most important meal of the day is well established. Not only does skipping breakfast have negative effects on your health, but even a high-carbohydrate and sugar-rich breakfast can affect your body.

While a low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in weight loss, when compared to a low-fat diet, it can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.1 2 A low-sugar diet can regulate blood sugar levels, satisfy your appetite for longer, give you energy, and reduce cravings, which in turn helps your lose weight.


Including eggs, vegetables, and lean meat in your diet can reduce risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and help you manage a healthy weight.

Foods For A Low-Carbohydrate And Low-Sugar Breakfast

1. Eggs

eggs for a healthy breakfast


Scrambled, boiled, or sunny side up, eggs are the best breakfast option in any form. They have a low carbohydrate content and contain no sugar. Eggs are rich in protein that makes its satiety levels high, keeping you full for a long time and keeping you from craving for unhealthy food. In addition to being convenient and easy to make, eggs can also improve your heart health by increasing good cholesterol in the body.

Turn to an egg breakfast if you want to shed some pounds as they can enhance weight loss.3


2. Lean Meat

lean meat for a healthy breakfast

A great source of protein, having lean meat for breakfast will also reduce your calorie intake. Lean meats like chicken lean beef or sea food can be easily made into a healthy, low-carbohydrate breakfast with some seasoning of your choice.


In addition to providing your body with protein, it contains all the essential amino acids that your body needs for energy, growth, and repair.4

3. Vegetables

salad with eggs for a healthy breakfast


Leafy greens, broccoli, kale, avocado, mushrooms, green beans, and tomatoes all fall under the low-carb category of vegetables. By eating vegetables for breakfast, you are ensuring the intake of all essential nutrients in the most important meal of the day.

You can pair one portion of vegetables with eggs or chicken for a healthy and satisfying breakfast. However, avoid eating starchy vegetables like potatoes that have a high carbohydrate content.


4. Nuts

mixed nuts for a healthy breakfast

Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts are rich in dietary fiber, proteins, healthy fats, minerals, and antioxidants. The fats that nuts contain can lower your cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart diseases.


Nuts aren’t fattening as they can keep you satisfied for a longer period, the body doesn’t absorb all the fat, and also boost your metabolism.

5. Dairy Products

cheese and yogurt for a healthy breakfast

While milk may be a quick and easy breakfast choice, it should be avoided for breakfast due to its higher carbohydrate content. As compared to milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese are healthier. They have a lower sugar and carbohydrate value.

Cottage cheese and cheese are high-protein and low-carbohydrate foods that should be consumed be consumed in moderation to prevent heart diseases, attributed to its saturated fat and cholesterol content. Dairy products being versatile make them easy to cook in many different ways.
