8 Facts About Misophonia You Must Know

Do you cringe at the sound of chewing, tapping, or clicking? Then, you’re not alone. This condition is called misophonia and is more common than you think. It’s a new discovery, so more research needs to be done.

8 Facts About Misophonia

Here are seven facts about the symptoms and treatment of misophonia.


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1. Misophonics Hate Sounds

Misophonics Hate Sounds: 8 Facts About Misophonia


Misophonia directly translates to “hatred of sound.” The triggering sound is different for each misophonic, but is considered normal by others. Examples include chewing or clocks ticking. These sounds are typically repetitive in nature.1

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2. Misophonia Is Sound Sensitivity

Misophonia Is Sound Sensitivity: 8 Facts About Misophonia

People with misophonia have a heightened sense of sound. Their autonomic nervous systems also react in a more intense way. But that sensitivity is only limited to sound! Other senses aren’t as enhanced.2


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3. Fight-Or-Flight Is Similar

Fight-Or-Flight Is Similar: 8 Facts About Misophonia


The reaction to the sound is a lot like the “fight-or-flight” response. It’s automatic and happens quickly, but it can’t be controlled. When the brain reacts to the sound, physical symptoms can be felt right after.3

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4. It Causes Negative Reactions

It Causes Negative Reactions: 8 Facts About Misophonia

Symptoms include anxiety and anger after hearing a seemingly innocent sound. Some people may also feel disgusted, stressed, and annoyed. These feelings can easily turn into rage and loss of self-control, leading to angry outbursts. Physical stress-induced symptoms can also develop, like headaches and chest pain.4


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5. Misophonia Is Common

Misophonia Is Common: 8 Facts About Misophonia

Experts don’t believe that misophonia is rare. There are actually many support groups and communities on the web. But because it’s newly discovered, most people don’t know it really exists! Many might not even realize that they have it.5

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6. It’s A Symptom Of Other Disorders

It's A Symptom Of Other Disorders: 8 Facts About Misophonia

Research has shown that misophonia isn’t an actual psychological disorder. Instead, it’s more like a symptom caused by something else. Even mild forms of psychological conditions can lead to misophonia.6

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7. Self-Made Sounds Aren’t A Problem

Self-Made Sounds Aren't A Problem: 8 Facts About Misophonia

Interestingly, misophonics don’t have symptoms if they make the triggering sound. Studies suggest mimicking the sound when trying to control negative reactions.7

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8. Treatment Is Different

Treatment Is Different: 8 Facts About Misophonia

For people who get stressed or anxious, repeated exposure to the sound can ease misophonia. This will have a therapeutic effect on the brain’s response. But for those that get angry, stress management and psychotherapy may be more useful.8

If misophonia is interfering with your life, talk to a therapist. They can help determine if there are underlying conditions at play.
