Eating Avocados During Pregnancy – Study Finds Huge Benefits.

Mother nature seems to have made sure some foods look like the body part they’re good for. For example, if you’re looking to improve brain function, walnuts are the way to go. If it’s a decent erection you want, experts recommend eating bananas. So it’s perhaps no surprise that pregnant women are being advised to eat more of that oh-so pregnant fruit – avocado. Avocado is a super-food that shows no sign of letting up. In fact, the known benefits of eating this fruit just keep racking up. Avocados are full of good fats, high in dietary fiber and a great source of folate. Folate is especially important during early pregnancy, because it can reduce the risk of birth defects.

The avocado is virtually the only fruit that has monounsaturated fat. According to the Dietary Guidelines 2010, good fats are those that can lower bad cholesterol levels and are beneficial when consumed in moderation.

Study Recommends Eating Avocados During Pregnancy:
A new study, published in the journal Nutrients, looked at the role of avocados in the diets of pregnant and lactating women. According to the study-

“Avocados are unique among fruit and vegetables in that, by weight, they contain much higher amounts of the key nutrients folate and potassium, which are normally under-consumed in maternal diets.”

“Avocados also contain higher amounts of several non-essential compounds, such as fiber, mono-unsaturated fats, and lipid-soluble antioxidants, which have all been linked to improvements in maternal health, birth and outcomes and/or breast milk quality.”

Official dietary advice for pregnant and breastfeeding women will be issued by 2020. The new study analysed existing research into the health benefits of avocados to determine whether they should be included in the new dietary guidelines. The study authors concluded: “Avocados are a unique nutrient-rich plant-based food that contain many of the critical nutrients for fetal and infant health and development. They fit within the guidelines for a Mediterranean-style diet (that is, they contain MUFA, fiber, antioxidants, and are low-glycemic), which is known to be beneficial for disease reduction in most populations, including pregnant and lactating populations. “Based on this review, avocados offer a range of beneficial nutrients that can make a substantial contribution to a nutrient-rich diet, when offered as a staple food for the periconceptional period, as well as during pregnancy and lactation”.

According to Dr Andrew Orr, reproductive specialist and nutritionist, you can’t actually eat too many of these wonder-fruits per day. They are great as a meal on their own since they are full of omega oils, protein, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and more.

Here Are Five Delicious Ways To Eat Avocados:

1. Avocado On Toast- Simply mash or slice the avocado on toast, opt for wholegrain bread which has lower FI and contains more fiber. This will give you a boost of vitamins and keep you away from sugary cereals.

2. Avocado Salad- You probably already have a list of salad staples including tomato, cucumber and leafy greens. Adding avocados to the mix will make your salad even healthier. The soft texture of the avocados tastes great in salad, especially alongside crunchier salad foods like celery and radish. This is a great lunch option as it will boost your intake of vitamins and minerals throughout the day.

3. Roasted Avocado- Simply peel and chop the avocado and place in a roasting tray, along with some vegetables such as red onion, olives and cherry tomatoes. Put a blob of coconut oil on top, and then roast, at 180 degrees, for about 25 minutes. Serve with your jacket sweet potato for a hassle-free and healthy dinner to savor. Avocado might not seem like the type of food you can roast, but try it once and you’ll never look back.

4. Guacamole- Simply mash up an avocado, then add some lime and salt to taste (or skip the salt altogether). Serve with vegetable crudites, bread-sticks, crackers or tortillas.

5. Avocado Baked Egg Center- Remove the stone, and place the avocado halves on a baking tray. To make sure they are stable and won’t tip over you might need to slice off a little skin from the bottom. Scoop out a little avocado flesh if you need to make the hole a little bigger. Crack two eggs into a bowl, making sure the yolks don’t break. Gently spoon the yolks into the center of the avocado halves, then add egg white until each hole is full. Bake at 220C (425F) until the eggs are cooked, which will be around 15 or 20 minutes. You might like to season with salt, pepper, chives or anything you like. You can also top them with some bacon or salsa. This creamy, delicious and nutritious breakfast or snack is loaded with proteins to keep you full, keep your blood sugar levels stable and nourish your brain with good fats.
