5 Common Skin Problems In Men And Their Solutions

Many men suffer from skin problems that can hinder daily life.

All of us, regardless of sex, have problems with our skin. Though the common belief is that women tend to be more concerned with their appearance, it isn’t always true. Thanks to more knowledge and awareness today, more men are understanding the importance of a healthy skin regimen that doesn’t just contribute to your good looks, but also a healthy overall appearance that can boost confidence. External factors like the sun, chemicals and pollution affect how our skin looks and feels, and can lead to cuts and scrapes turning into painful infections. Since the skin in the largest organ in our body, it’s important we take care of it for a overall healthier.

Some of the most common skin problems men face and their solutions are outlined below


Acne Acne can be extremely uncomfortable.

When boys hit puberty, the hormonal fluctuations can cause an intense acne breakout that can take years to subside. It isn’t necessary that acne goes away once a boy reaches the end of puberty however. Factors like heavy sweating, stress, humidity, or the use of steroids can continue the cycle of breakouts. Men also have a thicker epidermal layer than women, which clogs dirt more easily and can cause more acne.

Using gentle cleansers twice a day can help to remove excess dirt and oil while keeping the skin moisturized. You can also opt for over-the-counter 5% benzoyl-peroxide skin cream that has shown to reduce acne and breakouts wonderfully. If you feel like none of these solutions are working for you, approaching a skin specialist could be a good idea as acne is a medical problem, and a medical opinion might be necessary.

Razor Burn Razor burn can be caused by daily shaving

This is a common problem in men who have to shave every single day. The amount of discomfort can be minimal, such as a red face and irritation through the day, or it can be as bad as blisters, rashes and pimples popping up on the already painful razor burn. The burn happens because the hair in the lower neck comes out at sharp angles, and can pierce the skin when shaved closely.

A good way to protect yourself would be to wash your face with warm water and fully cleanse the area before you shave. A shave gel can be great because it moisturizes your skin and keeps it protected. If you already have a razor burn, use an aloe-based cortisone cream or a soothing aftershave with vitamin E to reduce the redness and calm the skin.

Athlete’s Foot Athlete's foot is contagious.

Athlete’s foot is a contagious infection that thrives in warm and moist places. It is believed that most men pick it up in communal showers, locker rooms and fitness centers. The infection starts between the toes, but can also spread to the nails and the sides of the foot if it isn’t taken care of quickly enough.

The most common treatment is over-the-counter medications that are designed to fight athlete’s foot, such as Lotrimin- AF. However, if the infection has spread too much, a doctor’s prescription might be needed to treat it from the inside.

Jock Itch  Jock itch is a skin infection.

The same infection that causes athlete’s foot can cause a groin rash, also known as jock itch. A red, itchy and uncomfortable rash usually shows up in the groin area, and men who sweat are especially prone to developing this infection.

Bathing daily, keeping the groin area dry, and changing underwear often can stave off the infection. Moreover, avoiding thick clothing in warm weather, and making sure that the gear designed for your groin fits correctly can also help. As with athlete’s foot, over-the-counter topical medication can help treat an already existing infection.

Rosacea Skin inflammation can be disruptive.

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease and can be caused by exposure to the sun for extended periods of time. Though it isn’t life threatening, it can be a major blow for self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, the red bumps that grow on the skin can be extremely painful as they could contain pus if the condition isn’t treated in time.

Each person has different reasons for flare-ups, so it is important to track what could trigger yours. Factors like sunlight or certain foods can be the most common cause. Other self-care activities like not touching your face too often, wearing sunscreen, and not using products with alcohol content can also help. Most often, the condition requires prescription drugs.