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12 Health Benefits Of Ginseng Tea: Sip Your Way To Good Health

A cup of ginseng tea could revive you on many fronts – from improving your sexual health to helping manage diabetes, boosting your energy levels, fighting fatigue and stress, and improving cognitive performance in seniors. This anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich drink made from Panax or American ginseng is everything you’d want in a restorative drink and more.

9 Side Effects Or Disadvantages Of Eating Jaggery To Be Wary Of

Jaggery may be a more nutritious alternative to refined sugar and also has its place in many traditional remedies. But be wary of parasitic infestations, impurities, and age of the jaggery. Weight gain, elevated sugar levels from high intake, and indigestion are other side effects to watch out for.

Benefits Of Cinnamon For Your Skin: 6 Reasons To Try It

The fragrant and sweet cinnamon can work wonders for your skin. It fights acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also helps to reduce pigmentation and lighten uneven skin. It can also help you deal with skin infections and eczema and may even fight the damaging effects of pollution.

Health Benefits Of Elderberry Tea: 9 Reasons To Savor A Cuppa!

Elderberry tea has antioxidant properties and can strengthen your immune system. It helps you fight the flu and cold and may ease constipation, pain, and depression. It’s also good for your heart as it can counter HDL dysfunction and help manage your blood sugar levels.

12 Benefits Of Spearmint Tea For Better Health

Packed with antioxidants, spearmint tea can help combat hormonal imbalance like PCOS, improve digestion, boost immunity and fight chronic diseases like cancer. This invigorating herbal brew boosts respiratory and heart health, reduces inflammation, prevents bad breath, provides natural stress relief, and improves memory.

Powerful Health Benefits Of Celery: 13 Reasons To Crunch it Up!

Celery is a nutritious vegetable with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It protects against stomach ulcers, eases fever, and helps manage blood sugar, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It can soothe an upset stomach, improve sexual health in men, ease arthritis, boost memory and mood, and even protect against Parkinson’s disease.

Powerful Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea: 12 Reasons To Drink Up!

Chamomile tea can alleviate insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s helpful in dealing with premenstrual syndrome, colic, indigestion, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and IBS. It also helps control blood pressure and blood sugar and fights cancer. Drinking chamomile tea has even been found to be associated with a lower risk of death.

16 Food Sources To Get All the Boron You Need!

Micronutrient boron is found in a variety of fresh produce, dried fruits, nuts, beans, and lentils. While there is no RDA for this trace mineral, foods like avocado, raisins, apricots, red grapes, celery, carrots, and broccoli can help you meet your requirements. So eat up!

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