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Unleashing Your Six-Pack Abs – Top 3 recommendations that works

So you want to get those six-pack abs, right?  Guess what?  You already possess them!  Now, you may be thinking that I’m crazy.  I’m...

Amazing Health Benefits and Different Types of Yoga

Are you looking for a way to get fit that builds strength, flexibility, and muscle, yet can relax the mind and improve your mood...

Osteopathy and Yoga – A Complementary Relationship

What is Osteopathy?  Osteopathy is a system of holistic manual therapy that realigns the musculoskeletal system to facilitate the body to heal itself.   Osteopathic...

Yoga Poses For Better Digestion

It is known that Yoga aids and stimulates the digestive system. So lets find out why! Yoga postures compress and release the abdomen, where the digestive...

Yoga Pose of the Day – Urdhva Dhanurasana: (Upward Bow Pose or Full Wheel Pose)

Benefits – Lengthens the spine, strengthens the shoulders, wrists and opens the hip flexors. It opens the heart chakra, allowing more air into the...

Vinyasa Yoga Sequence (40 min) — Stretch Out after You Run, Bike or Hike (Video)

  If you're a serious yogi, you crave a hour-long practice. And a foutry-minute practice is a piece of heaven. Beginners often think a minimum...

Pack These Yoga Poses for Your Journey

Travelling can be a cumbersome affair especially when you are travelling alone. Today some of us have jobs that require us to engage in...

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