Home Beauty


Benefits Of Ghee For Your Skin: Get Glowing Skin With Ayurveda

To use ghee for skin, take 10 ounces of ghee and mix with sufficient water. Add fresh water and continue mixing. Repeat this many times till the ghee turns into white with a butter like consistency. This can act as a natural moisturizer, relieves burning sensation, wounds, chicken pox scars, can be applied around umbilicus for excessive bleeding in pregnant women.

Wonders of Collagen for Radiant Skin

Did you know that Collagen makes up the bulk of connective tissue and is about 25-35% of whole-body protein content? The name collagen comes...

Natural Skin Care Alternatives to Most Common Skin Ailments

Skin, the largest organ in the body, is constantly renewing and repairing itself by expelling and replacing skin dead cells. So understanding how the...

5 Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil 1. Weight Loss Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that are metabolized differently than fats from other oils. These unique fats may...

8 Herbs And Plants For Glowing And Beautiful Skin

Aloe vera has blood purification properties that helps treat acne, allergic rash, swelling and blemishes. Neem (Margosa) is a natural cleanser that flushes out toxins and prevents pimples and skin eruptions. Paste of gram flour, turmeric and sandalwood works as an antiseptic. Rose water or saffron and water paste, applied on face keeps skin smooth and glowing.

Nutrition for Glowing Skin

Drink 8 glasses of pure water per day, avoid drinking alcohol, or limit intake to 4 times a week, take a liver supporting herb like Milk Thistle, take a good quality probiotic daily. Avoid a diet high in processed foods, refined sugars and flour. If you are constipated, take Vitamin C and magnesium citrate until you are having normal bowel movements.

4 Natural Herbal Remedies for Burning Feet

Home Remedies For Burning Feet Burning feet is a frustrating and often debilitating medical condition affecting men and women of all ages around the world....

Eight Shockingly Dangerous Chemicals You Didn’t Know Were in Your Lipstick

We all want to have attractive, seductive lips, but recent research suggests that you may be paying too steep a price for your perfect...

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