
Shiv Sujir


7 Simple Stretches To Release Your Tight Hips

When you're in your 20s, you may not feel the need to stretch too much since your joints are still quite flexible and well...

5 Healthy Lifestyle Changes That Can Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

Cancer has become a very real health threat in America and is also one of the most feared illnesses. According to a report by...

Turn Junk Food Into Healthy Food With These 9 Easy Food Swaps

After a big party, the notion of going on a diet to become healthy sounds like a good idea, and so you do a...

A Classic Beginner’s Workout For Bigger Legs

In most gyms, the leg exercise machines are usually the least used because the average gym goer is only concerned about getting bigger arms...

The Workout Tweak That Will Make You Happier And Less Stressed

If you've ever enrolled yourself in a group class like cycling or Zumba, it's hard not to feel the energy in the room. This...

12 Starchy Foods You Should Avoid If You’re Counting Your Calories

Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy and most carbs can be divided into three main categories: sugar, fiber, and starch. Starches are...

4 Common Signs Of Hormone Imbalance In Men

Whether you're sitting, running, playing, or sleeping, there are millions of chemical reactions going on in your body all the time. While most of...

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Able To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Reducing the waistline and getting a toned midsection is probably one the biggest driving factors for most overweight people to toil in the gym....

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