
Robert Dimkovski

Robert Dimkovski is a writer and editor who covers science and health. He's currently a senior editor at http://www.besthealthyguide.com website, where he covers health and life related articles. Previously, he worked at few national newspapers in Republic of Macedonia, where he has published a hundreds of diet and nutrition articles. As he loves to say, the purpose of his writing is to help people understand that a healthy diet and regular physical activity are the best medications a person can imagine. When not writing and researching about the newest trends in nutrition, fitness, and medicine, you can find him playing soccer, jogging, mountaineering, and enjoying with his family and friends.

10 True Causes Of Fibromyalgia That Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About

While only an estimate, fibromyalgia affects 1 in 50 people, totaling up to 6 million. It is characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain accompanied by...

10 Nail Symptoms And What They Mean For Your Health

Did you know that the color, texture, and shape of the nails are all a window into the body? Although some nail symptoms are...

The Diet That Starves Cancer And Reverses Diabetes

Contrary to popular belief, a no-fat or low-fat diet isn’t that good for you. Recently, some conventional cardiologists have stated that one needs healthy...

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Completely

Cancer has a huge impact on society in the U.S as well as in other countries worldwide. Statistics show that its prevalence is constantly...

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