
Pahla Bowers

Let's work out together! 300+ FREE, full-length home exercise videos. Get fit with low impact cardio, strength training, HIIT, indoor running workouts and more. Pahla B is a fitness trainer, endurance runner, and busy mom, specializing in efficient full body home workouts with little to no equipment. These workouts are designed to help you burn fat and get in shape in a short amount of time.

10 Best Butt Exercises For Women

Wanting to shape up your back side? Look no further, start these 10 fast and easy glute/butt exercises to get an enviable booty. These exercises will firm up your gluteal muscles and burn fat overall rather than lose fat specifically from your butt. Toning your butt with targeted exercises can help you stay injury-free, maintain your weight, stay active and look and feel your best.

The Myth Of Motivation

Having trouble getting motivated for exercise? Well, let's talk about "motivation" - what it is, and how to make sure that you can get motivated to meet your goals.

Lower Body Cardio And Strength Workout For Legs And Butt

Looking for a lower body workout that's intense? Then this 40-odd minute cardio and strength workout video, for the legs and butt, is perfect for you!

What Story Are You Telling Yourself?

The story you tell yourself about who you are and what you are capable of is one of the most powerful fitness mindset tools you have. So, what story are you telling yourself?

8 Things You “Do Not” Have To Do To Be Healthy!

Well, today on The Buzz, we are going to cut through some of that fitness noise and talk about 8 things you "DO NOT" have to do to be fit and healthy (And 1 Thing You Must Do!).

Sweaty Dumbbell Strength Training Workout

This body shaping strength training workout boosts your metabolism, builds lean muscle tone (which helps you burn fat 24/7), and builds your confidence too!

Do Not Be Afraid Of A Fitness Plateau | The Buzz

Stalling out on your goals is frustrating! Here is a different and motivating way of thinking about your fitness and weight loss plateaus.

September News And 2016 Goal Updates

Check out the following updates about the upcoming new workouts (that are going to be really sweaty!) on the Pahla B fitness channel for the month of SWEATember.

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