
Priyanka C D


Migraine Headaches: 9 Ways To Deal With Migraine Pain

If you suffer from constant migraines then you will be quite familiar with the helplessness and pain associated to it. The pulsating pain, nausea...

5 Vital Functions Of The Liver And 19 Foods That Naturally Help Cleanse It

Think your liver is clean? Well, if you eat food, drink water, breathe air and live on planet Earth in the 21st century, then...

9 More Yoga Stretches To Help Relieve Hip And Lower Back Pain

1. Supta Matsyendrasana Or Reclined Spinal Twist Pose Start off by lying on the floor and hugging your knees into your chest. Take a deep...

Anti-Aging Vitamins And How To Include Them In Your Diet

Did you know that instead of wasting money and time on cosmetic treatments and anti-aging creams, you can look young just by eating right?...

6 Powerful Yoga Exercises To Help You Burn Belly Fat And Get Abs In No Time

That belly fat is called stubborn for a reason, with permanent names like paunch, belly, muffin top, beer barrel and so on, created to...

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