
Ketaki Dixit


What Are The Principles Of A Healthy Diet?

When learning about eating plans, consider several factors before making food choices. Information should always be backed by science and endorsed by professionals, not celebrities or retail stores. It also shouldn’t claim to work for everyone, because we all have different needs and bodies. Instead, core values of a diet should focus on major macronutrients, a variety of foods, and adequate caloric intake. It should also promote healthy weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds a week.

5 Ways B Vitamins Can Save Your Brain

Cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, but B vitamins can prevent it from becoming a problem. Folate and B12 can ward off Alzheimer’s by controlling homocysteine and slowing down brain shrinkage, especially when used with B6. Even beta-amyloid, the protein that disrupts brain signals at high levels, can be reduced with folate. B vitamins are also needed to protect neuron damage and produce neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that send signals between them.

7 Essential Habits For Optimal Vaginal Health

To keep your vagina healthy, practice certain habits to maintain microbial balance and acidity. Treat infections early and regularly visit the gynecologist for routine Pap smears and pelvic exams. The vagina also cleans itself, so avoid douching, a practice that kills good bacteria. Using petroleum jelly and oil as lube will disrupt the acidity, too. Practice good hygiene and switch out tampons and pads regularly. To let the area breathe, wear loose and dry clothing.

5 Health Benefits Of Eating Red Onions

Red onions are a popular culinary ingredient. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of cancer, aid digestion, protect you from heart disease, reduce inflammation, and regulate blood sugar. The other layers of onions shouldn't be discarded as they contain high amounts of beneficial compounds. Avoid eating onions if you have a blood disorder or have had a surgery recently as it can slow down blood clotting.

5 Reasons Why You Need Vitamin D To Stay Healthy

Protecting your skin from excess sun exposure is as important as getting sufficient vitamin D from it. Vitamin D is essential for keeping your bones strong, preventing cancer, aiding weight loss, and protecting you from heart disease. Not getting enough sunlight can increase the risk of depression and negatively affect your overall health. 15-30 minutes of exposure to sunlight will help you get the required vitamin D. It can also be obtained from eggs, tuna, and mushrooms.

Itchy Ankles: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

An itch in your ankles can make keep you from doing your daily chores. Not only is it irritating but can also be painful if you repeatedly scratch the itchy area. In addition to dry skin, itchy ankles can be caused due to injuries, allergens, environmental conditions, and insect bites. It can be treated with medications, cold press, mint, or aloe vera. To prevent itchy ankles, keep your feet clean, dry and moisturized.

5 Ways To Enhance The Benefits Of A Paleo Diet

Paleo diet is a low-carb diet that can increase your nutrient intake and stabilize your blood sugar, thereby reducing the risk of diseases and promoting a healthy weight. To enhance the benefits, eat organic food, dairy, legumes, and quality meat. Reduce the intake of paleo processed foods as they contain sweeteners and additives. Increasing your fiber intake can reduce the risk of constipation that comes with a low-carb diet.

5 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes To Heal Your Gut

Gut, also known as the gastrointestinal tract or the digestive tract plays an important role in digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. When the gut lining is damaged, it results in inflammation. Leafy greens, celery, slippery elm powder, turmeric, aloe vera, and chicken bone broth have anti-inflammatory properties that can promote gut healing and give you a nutrient boost. Avoid processed foods and foods that contain caffeine and sugar as it can irritate the gut.

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