
Cristina Jurach

Cristina Jurach is nutritionist and Ayurvedic practitioner. She is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.

Your Feelings Are The Language That Connects You To Your Body & Everything Else In The Universe.

It has come to my conclusion that we are constantly searching for answers that are beyond what science can provide us, or could –...

Acupressure: Relieving Stress Through Pressure Points

Our Aversion To “Alternative” Healing The mere mention of “alternative” medicine seems so alien and obscure that we tend to shun away anything and everything...

Stress: Inducing the Fatal Emergency Response

Purpose of the Brain: Our body is an amazing and very fine piece of machinery. Nature has given us everything we need in order...

Reiki – The Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy

We are stuck in a vicious cycle of worrying about problems and having problems about our worries. And worrying itself is a problem. The...

Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

As you read this article, off a tablet or a computer screen, you are unwittingly exposing your sensitive eyes to ill-willing factors. Harmful air...

Honey – The Perfect Antibiotic Capable of Solving The Problem of Antibiotic Resistance

Honey, one of the most incredible non-perishable foods that can kill almost every type of bacteria. It could also be one sweet solution to...

Reflexology: The Natural Science of Pressure Therapy

Reflexology is as interesting as it sounds. According to online dictionaries, reflexology is “a alternative medical science of relieving pain or curing illness, by...

Home Remedy For Sore Throats: Experiencing Colds Is Actually Beneficial To Your Health

Contrary to what mainstream media tends to teach, experiencing a cold or the flu periodically can actually be helpful to your health. By and...

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