
Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

I'm Audrey and I'm the founder of http://www.lotuspowerhealth.com, where I help women awaken their inner wisdom and wellness through hormone rebalancing, nutritional tweaks, and lifestyle shifts. If you or someone you know struggles with infertility, hormonal imbalances, pelvic pain (e.g. due to endometriosis), or general exhaustion, I'd love to connect and share with you my simple strategies for restoring balance in your body, and awakening your wellness wisdom. And, if you're wondering how my approach can change your life, check out my free Wellness Wisdom for Women eCourse at http://www.lotuspowerhealth.com/wp/wellness-wisdom-for-women.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Are you trying to figure out if you need to take pregnancy test or confused with choices? Go on, read more to know in detail about pregnancy tests.

Does Menstrual Cycle Affect Athletic Performance?

Studies have proved that menstruation does affect an athlete's performance. Testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are the three sex hormones which are produced in your body. As you start menstruating, these hormones vary during your cycle. These hormones don’t just affect your period, they also play a part in how other parts of your body work. To stop these hormones affecting you, all you need to do is to understand your body and have a balanced diet.

11 Anti-Aging Vitamins To Include In Your Diet

Beauty comes not just from without but within as well. Including these specific vitamins in your daily diet will make you look and feel much younger.

Natural Anti-Aging Tricks For A Beautiful Skin

Massage your skin gently with a mix of olive oil and carrot seed oil followed by a rinse with lukewarm water. It will help remove dirt, residue of makeup easily while helping your skin retain moisture. Equally beneficial will be slathering on some honey, or rubbing a fresh piece of papaya or avocado against your face. Add skin superfoods like almonds, berries to your diet.

Understanding The Cervix And Cervical Mucus For Conception

Trying to figure out when you are fertile or when to time sex for conception? Here is how you can up your chances of conception from 0% to 30%.

How To Transition From Birth Control To No Birth Control

Check-out these simple yet effective methods to balance out your irregular hormone patterns, thus making a smooth transition from OCPs to no birth control.

A Woman’s Guide To Knowing When She Is Ovulating

Trying to track your ovulation cycle? Here is a handy guide to help you learn the signs of ovulation and on how to pin down your most fertile days.

How Endocrine Disruptors Affect Fertility

The endocrine disruptors can mimic, alter and block the production of hormones necessary to make the reproductive organs work properly. Women with endocrine dysfunction can develop abnormalities that can be as minor as irregular periods, or as serious as PCOS or Endometriosis, making conception more difficult. The best course of action is to go as natural as possible!

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