
Ashley Koff RD

Ashley Koff RD is an internationally-renowned registered dietitian who believes better nutrition is simple and is on a mission to help people achieve their personal health goals by providing understandable and highly effective tips and strategies. A self-described “qualitarian,” Koff emphasizes the value of quality nutritional choices in achieving optimal wellbeing, and has developed online tools such as The AKA Qualitarian Nutrition Plan and The AKA Personal Shopper to help people make better-quality choices. Besides maintaining a Washington, D.C.-based clinical practice, Koff is a much-sought-after expert in the media, social media, and is a go-to dietitian for the nation's leading doctors.

The AKA Digestive Tune Up For Better Digestive Health

You are what you eat – well, not actually. You’re actually what you digest and absorb. To that end, I always ask my patients...

How Can I Lose Weight?

Losing weight boils down to stress, digestion and current weight. Stress: Your body and mind are in sync and too much exercise results in stress and eventually inflammation. Digestion: If you have poor digestion, eat fiber rich foods and avoid medicines. Weight: Check your BMI and lose the appropriate amount weight, losing excess weight can cause problems.

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